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dreams pov

"like i said, i cant respect it" sam said while dismissing me. i was starting to get upset with her. she was still on the topic of my baby father breaking my windows.

"we don't even know if it was him. why should i assume?" i questioned.

"why shouldn't you assume? everything adds up. what are you protecting him for?"

i rolled my eyes and looked over to ari. she was sitting on the couch watching us argue. maliyah was currently with tae.

"who's protecting him?"

"you clearly. what are you protecting him for?" sam said while pulling me by my waist. i pushed her back.

"im not protecting him sam. i don't want to assume it was him. that could get him locked up for nothing"

"no it can't" ari spoke up

"bitch how would you know?

"he would probably just get a warning or something. police don't really care about things like that over here" ari shrugged.

"exactly, that's why everyone is dying. don't just tell the police he broke your windows. tell the police that he's fucking crazy." sam spat out.

i frowned at her foul language. "okay, you don't have to curse".

"then start using your head. you're putting maliyah and yourself in danger by not reporting that shit sooner." sam rolled her eyes. ari was agreeing with her.

"okay. you guys don't have to tag team me. i get it, it wasn't smart" i said while sitting down. sam just looked at me like she was disappointed.

"we are just trying to keep you safe. no hard feelings babe" ari said while sliding next to me and hugging me.

i rolled my eyes. sam was still giving me that angry look. i just wanted to hug her until she would stop giving attitude.

"should i call the cops now?" i asked while hugging ari back.

"nah call them next year. since you have all the time in the world" sam scoffed at me and took a seat far away from me.

i don't like how rude she's being to me. usually nothing could discompose her but this was really irritating her.

"you don't have to be so mean. i'm going upstairs to call them." i whispered while breaking away from ari's hold.

i walked up the stairs and went into the bathroom calling the cops. filling them in with the situation.

i heard the door opening and looked over. it was sam. the mean mug was gone and she was looking at me.

"if you're here to be an ass then leave." i said while closing my phone and rolling my eyes at her.

"i wasn't trying to be an ass. you just weren't acting so smart down there."

"how would you know what's smart and what isn't smart? this isn't happening to you. you don't know him personally."

"you're right, i don't." she nodded.

"exactly, i would appreciate it if you didn't make me feel stupid about how i approach things with him. it's really none of your business." i spat out.

"it's none of my business?" she repeated.

"yeah, it's none of your concern."

she nodded and left the bathroom. i left after her and walked downstairs to the living room. i saw ari laying on the couch.

"bye ari!" sam yelled while heading for the door, i furrowed my eyebrows.

i ran after her. "where are you going?" i asked her while grabbing her arm. she pulled away from me.

"i'm going home. i shouldn't be interested in something that's none of my business. i just hope you make smart decisions about this situation. for you and maliyah."

"you're going home because i said it wasn't any of your business? i don't want you to go home."

"well i want to go home, so if you would excuse me."

"i'm sorry for saying it wasn't any of your business. i just didn't like how you were making me seem like such a dumb ass over my decision."

"your decision was not smart."

"that's your opinion, you don't know anything about him. not calling the cops or calling the cops wouldn't keep me safe."

"why's that?"

"i don't want to get into it, i want you to come back inside." i rolled my eyes while grabbing her hand and dragging her inside.

she just let me drag her in. she probably wasn't even gonna go home in the first place. she just wanted to be chased.

big ass baby.



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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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