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"Ugh I thought the whole purpose of having a quiet fortress like this was to keep the zombies away, not attract them with a damn alarm clock. Where did you even find this?!" I groaned as I rolled over on my mattress, slamming the snooze button on top of the clock as I squinted my eyes up at Felix.

"That's the whole point of the big electric metal gates, they can't get in so who cares about the noise Y/N" he grinned as I rolled my eyes, pulling the sheets over my head.

I had been given a room but to my joy I was made to stay with Felix. Don't get me wrong, sounds amazing I know. Hearing his soothing deep voice in the morning, late night deep conversations before I went to sleep.

But he was a morning person and actually liked to wake up at 6am.

I swear I've barely even seen the numbers that come before 10am before. So this was definitely unexpected.

"Wakey wakey, time to get up sleepyhead" he cooed as I let out another huff under the covers.

Suppose I wasn't getting out of this was I?

I gently took the sheet off me, turning around to sit up on the side of my mattress with my legs hanging over the edge.

Taking one look at my standard worn down outfit I let out a sigh. I had been wearing the same torn up shorts and blood stained t shirt for at least 3 months, at least that's what I think it's been.

Clothes were just as hard to come by as food and water, leaving everyone looking incredibly rough as well as exhausted.

"Take a moment to get yourself ready, through that door over there you'll find some toothpaste, a couple of wash cloths and a bowl of clean water. As well as your standard cracked mirror but I guess it's better than nothing. Then meet me downstairs, Chan and myself will show you around today" Felix smiled as he stood up, walking over to the doorway.

"Hold up, toothpaste?! God you have all the luxuries" I exclaimed as he chuckled in response before leaving me behind in the room alone.

Oh god how I couldn't wait to brush my teeth and wash my face after so long, I can imagine I look a complete state in front of these guys.

As I entered the old bathroom, my eyes fell upon a sight that filled me with both surprise and gratitude. The small wash basin in the corner, was filled with clean water, one of the most precious sights I had laid my eyes on.

Next to it, neatly stacked, were fresh clothes. I could hardly believe my eyes as I ran my hands over the dark jeans and soft grey T-shirt. We definitely took the luxury of clothes for granted back when things were normal, as now these clothes felt like I had won the jackpot in the lottery.

A small tube of toothpaste sat beside them as I smiled, feeling nothing but grateful and if I'm honest, lucky I had ever stumbled upon this refuge.

I slowly undressed and began to wash myself with the small fabric cloths that had been left, each drop of water along my body feeling like a blessing. Cleansing not only my body, but my mind too.

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