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The next few days in the library remained quiet and somewhat uneventful.

Hyunjin had kept my intimate moment with Minho a secret, even if he would make playful comments around the others that made my heart race in fear. But luckily no one caught onto that.

I felt my bond with the others grow a lot stronger, Changbin and Seungmin often helped me in the kitchen preparing meals. Chan and Felix were my partners in helping to keep Sara's needs fulfilled. Jisung and Jeongin were the entertainers of the group, keeping us full of laughter whenever we needed it. As for Minho and Hyunjin, let's just say they were the distractions in a different way.

I had found myself in one of the rooms, sorting through our supplies of medical equipment and counting the remaining rounds of ammo we had.

Though we had been incredibly lucky here, with the infected not in sight and no use for the weapons just yet.

Suddenly the doors burst open, my body jolting slightly as I turned to see Chan, his face pale, his eyes tired and small amounts of sweat glistening on his skin.

"Chan? What's wrong?" I spoke, walking towards him quickly as the nerves kicked in.

"I uh, I don't feel so good Y/N" he answered, my hand quickly reaching out and pressing against his forehead, feeling the burning heat radiating from his skin.

"Oh Chan...you have a fever" I sighed, my eyebrows furrowing with worry as I took his hand, leading him over to one of the makeshifts beds we had set up, "lay here, I'll find you something okay?"

He nodded, his breathing slightly rapid as he rested his head against the pillow.

Just like that I had sprung into caretaker mode, my heart clenching for the leader. A fever was always a sign of an infection, so I knew I had to bring the temperature down and find a dose of antibiotics at least.

Quickly wetting a cloth in a nearby sink I rushed back to Chan's side, kneeling down as I placed it over his burning head. My hand lingering a moment to long against his cheek as I assessed his condition.

"This will help to bring the temperature down alright?" I spoke soothingly, his eyes opening again to meet mine as he nodded, a faint smile on his lips.

"Thanks Doc" he jokingly replied as I brushed off the laughter wanting to escape my mouth. My thoughts were too preoccupied on getting him better.

I stood up once more, rummaging through the bags to find some paracetamol, it wasn't a lot but it would at least help to bring the fever down and help to manage his pain.

"Can you sit up to take these?" I asked, holding two of the pills in my left hand whilst holding my water bottle in the other.

He nodded, sitting himself up slightly as he took the medicine, allowing them to go down his throat, washing them down with the water I had offered him.

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