Chapter 1: reincarnated in the game I hate

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Leon awoke in a grassy field he just had the weirdest dream.

Leon: "What was that?"

Leon is a young boy with black hair and black eyes wearing hand me down clothes.

Leon: "Huh?"

Leon walks over to a nearby bush to see a fox caught in a snare struggling in vain Leon somehow knowing that the Fox is about to give up.

Leon: "Hey it's okay hold still. I know you're afraid I won't hurt you. Just please don't give up."

Leon gets to work undoing the snare and the moment he frees the fox the animal bolts away as fast as it can before briefly looking back at its savior.

???: "Leon Leon!"

A small sphere looking robot bounces through the field eventually finding his way to Leon.

A small sphere looking robot bounces through the field eventually finding his way to Leon

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Leon: "What's wrong Haro?"

Haro: "Zola is back!  Zola is back!"

Leon: "Not again..."

???: "Leon where are you!?"

Leon: "Looks like dad is calling let's go Haro."

A few minutes later Leon returns to his father and older man in his thirties who has similar hair and eyes.  Alongside him are Leon's brothers and sisters as well as Leon's mother a kind woman named Luce.  And standing in front of them wearing a gaudy purple dress is the wife of Leon's father Zola.

  And standing in front of them wearing a gaudy purple dress is the wife of Leon's father Zola

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Zola: "How disgraceful. While you continue to create bastard children I am left to maintain our family's dignity. If it weren't your father I wouldn't be allowing such disgrace."

Balcus: "Please don't bring the children into this. And please don't bring up my father lady Zola. I know my true identity causes you much strife."

Zola: "You should be grateful that I don't bring you before the Queen. I'm certain she wouldn't be forgiving to a Vist hiding in the countryside calling himself Bartfort."

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