Chapter 4: Fallout

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Angelica and Julius sit in the room together quietly Julius being quiet banged up by his duel against Leon in the Unicorn.  The moment is tense and neither of them speak a word to each other for a solid minute.

Angelica: "I'm glad you're alright. Can I get you some tea or anything to eat?"

Julius: "..."

Angelica: "Please just tell me what I can do to help you!"

Julius: "Why?  Why do you keep doing that?"

Angelica: "Doing what?"

Julius: "Stop pretending like you love me you never knew the real me.  You don't know the first thing about me."

Angelica: "Please tell me what I did wrong!  What is it Marie has that I don't!?"

Julius: "Do you even know what my favorite food is?"

Angelica: "Of course I do! When it comes to soups I know you prefer-."

Julius: "Wrong. It's the skewers I would have from food carts whenever I snuck out of the castle. I was told commoner food was no good for royalty so I was forbidden from eating it. But Marie knew. She saw I was unhappy and took me to a food stall to make me smile it felt like fate. I understand how may be discourteous to you and your family but Marie is the only one I can truly love."

Angelica looks at Julius' eyes as she feels her heart breaking. She sees that his eyes light up at the thought of Marie when moments ago when she spoke to him she saw a hollowness in his eyes.

Angelica: "But isn't there something!? I still want to be by your side!"

Angelica has tears flowing down her cheeks as the one she devoted her life to just professed his feelings for another woman.

Julius: "I'm sorry...I just can't love you."

And at those words Angelica's heart just breaks. She stands up and walks over to the door.

Angelica: "I see...then please take good care of yourself I will pray for your happiness from afar."

Angelica leaves the room leaving Julius alone.

Julius: "You could've saved us all a lot of trouble if you just said that to begin with."

Meanwhile with Leon and Luxxion

Leon and Luxxion have traveled to Duke Redgrave's domain to ask for help.

Luxxion: "Repairs on the Unicorn are complete. Damages were minimal to think that Holfort Kingdom calls those garbage mobile suits high performance models."

Leon: "I think they have a saying that goes 'Only a Gundam can beat a Gundam'. If only they knew what the Unicorn was before the duel then they might've had second thoughts."

Luxxion: "I highly doubt that. If they knew about the Unicorn's true nature they would have used the Nu Gundam they discovered in the dungeon."

Leon: "Speaking of the Nu Gundam, what happened to it?"

Luxxion: "After your duel with the Prince and his friends the Nu Gundam was confiscated by the Queen.  I can also confirm the Queen herself is a former Gundam pilot specifically she piloted a Gundam MK 2."

Leon: "Really now?"

Luxxion: "Yes.  She also has a rather charming nickname given to her by the Principality of Fanoss.  They called her 'the most beautiful she-devil'.  She was only defeated 15 years ago by the Black knight."

Leon: "Damn, remind me not to get on her shit list."

Luxxion: "After humiliating her son I believe you already are."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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