Chapter 3: Flight of the Unicorn

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Open in a conference room where Angelica, Jilk, and Julius are discussing something regarding Marie and a burnt text book.

Prince Julius: "This was Marie's textbook. Her bag was burned as well. You're telling me you really don't know what happened?"

Angelica: "No I don't."

Prince Julius: "The girls who started the fire they said you ordered them to do it."

Angelica: "I promise you I didn't I don't understand why you won't believe me!"

Prince Julius: "...You need to stay away from her and us too for that matter. Here on school grounds our engagement is irrelevant. Kindly keep your nose out of my business."

Angelica looks at Julius sadly not understanding why he wouldn't trust her over that Marie girl.

Meanwhile in Leon's dorm room

Leon, Daniel, and Raymond are hanging out together in Leon's dorm room lamenting their failure to find wives.

Leon: "You guys hear the news? Seems like we'll be single even longer because a couple of rich bros got engaged."

Raymond: "I know and of course they managed to find the only two girls who have ever been nice to us."

Their words echo in Raymond's head "I hope you find happiness one day, just not with us".

Daniel: "I guess we're gonna have to settle for a bunch of aristocratic mean girls."

Raymond: "You're right it's over for us might as well pack up."

Daniel: "Hey how's it going with you?"

Leon: "Same as you guys.  I keep throwing out invitations to tea parties and nobody's interested."

The three friends collectively sigh.

Raymond: "In other news it looks like the Prince himself has been caught up in some serious drama."

Daniel: "Wait you're talking about that Marie stuff right?  That girl can't seem to catch a break."

Raymond: "Yeah.  You know the Prince's fiancée, Angelica?  Rumor is that she's behind the bullying and what's more she's paranoid that Marie might be a Neo Zeon agent.  I heard the Prince freaked out at Angelica after he learned about the bullying and the accusations."

Leon: 'Hold up I remember this.  There was definitely an event where Julius got mad at Angelica.  But that wasn't until much later.'

Later in the library

Olivia: "You think there's something suspicious about Marie too?"

Leon, Olivia, and Clarice are meeting together in the library.

Clarice: "Of course there's something suspicious about her! She took Jilk from me and what's more she's clearly been making moves on Prince Julius. I would try to make a case against her for conspiracy with Neo Zeon but aside from her family's affiliation with them Marie herself is clean."

Olivia: "I don't want to assume she could be a terrorist. She's been hostile to me, yes but so far all she's done is get closer to the Prince and his friends."

Leon: "Seeing as Marie has no direct connection to Neo Zeon we can rule out the possibility that she's working for them for now. But there's still absolutely something going on here. And to top it all off Angelica's followers are going behind her back to bully Marie. Then there's the comment she said to you Olivia. What was it again."

Olivia: "She said to me 'she hates girls like you'."

Leon: 'There's something about that phrasing.'

Suddenly Leon and Olivia hear some books fall over somewhere in the library. Not long after that Olivia, Leon, and Clarice hear voices.

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