Chapter 2: something doesn't seem right

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We find Leon in his room studying as Luxcion pops in the check in on him.

Luxcion: "I have just finished scouting out the capital.  I find their technology lackluster at best.  Even their mobile suit technology seems lacking."

Leon: "Uh huh.  Well I guess compared to the Unicorn that goes without saying."

Luxcion: "I was not comparing their mobile suits to the Unicorn.  I will admit I found their usage of magic interesting."

Leon: "So you did find something interesting at least."

Luxcion: "I am surprised to see you studying master."

Leon: "It's for a tea party.  From what I gather this is the best way for a guy like me to find a decent wife.  By the way what's Audrey up to?"

Luxcion: "Audrey is currently helping me direct the renovation plans for your new island.  She believes that if handled properly you could turn your backwater island into a popular tourist destination.  You made the right call having her as your financial advisor.  Especially given your less than stellar tendencies when it comes to money."

Leon: "Gee tell me how you really feel why don't you."

Later that day on campus

Leon meets up with his friends two fellow low ranking boys.

Leon: "Daniel, Raymond any good leads on girls in the same social circle as us."

Daniel: "Unfortunately no. Don't you have that Audrey girl?"

Leon: "Me and Audrey? Now there's a joke. She's as flat as can be and I'm not just talking about her chest. She has about as much personality as a dead fish...she's right behind me isn't she."

Daniel and Raymond nod in unison as Audrey is indeed behind Leon and isn't pleased about his comments. She promptly kicks him in the shins.

Leon: "Oh god my shins!"

Audrey: "Dead fish can't have a personality. They're dead."

Audrey then walks off.

Raymond: "Well you asked for it. At this rate you'll be single forever."

Leon: "Well if that's the case you know for a fact I won't be alone in that."

Daniel: "Unfortunately we do. And competition is stiff this year thanks to the Prince and his friends."

The three friends look towards a crowd of girls all gathering around Prince Julius and his entourage.

Leon: "Most of those girls give us the cold shoulder but as soon as Prince pretty boy and his friends show up they go Gaga! Pretty boys are the worst!!!"

Daniel: "You said it."

Angelica the Prince's fiancée walks through the crowd to get to the Prince.

Angelica: "Your highness."


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