Chapter 5

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I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in ages, I had no ideas. But luckily, duh duh duh dun!, I am now ready to get my writing on! Whoop whoop xD


Once the heart breaking funeral was over, Danny, Rachel and I started making our way back to Danny's place. He was a little suspicious about me and Aden but I told him it was nothing and just to stop his curiosity, I went with my two best friends instead of my perverted brother.

The drive there was silent, a few sniffles from me and some comforting words from Rachel. A few times when we stopped at a traffic light, Danny would look back at me with a small sympetheticsmile on his lips. They both knew that I'd need some time to grieve and ajust to Iris not being in my life anymore.

 It wasn't long before we reached his house. I always felt welcomed here; it was like my second home. I hopped out of the car and almost ran to the front door. Danny's parents were still down in the cemetery for reasons unknown so it would be just the three of us.

"I really wanna get out of this dress." I explained when Rachel noticed my jumpiness. She gave an understanding nod and leaned against the door. "Danny, hurry up!" I shouted impatiently, watching him take something out of the boot.

Me and Rachel gave him a puzzled look when we saw him with a cardboard box with holes punctured around the top. He looked like he didn't want to be questioned so we didn't ask. He placed it down on porch and took out the key to the house.

As soon as he opened the door, I charged in, ran up the stairs into Danny's bedroom. Like Aden's, Danny's room was full of boyish junk; a messy, unmade bed with a load of clothes scattered on it, a lot of soccer and basketball trophies on his shelf and posters of girls blue-tacked to his wall.

I had a shelf in his closet to myself if I ever needed clothes. It had everything a girl should have; bras, panties, jeans, skirts, t-shirts. I once caught him going through it and, man, did he pay for it.

Slipping out of the black dress, I rummaged for my favourite white t-shirt with the Cookie Monster on it and some skinny jeans. There was still smudged mascara on my face from me crying so I went into the bathroom to wash it all off. I didn't bother putting on any makeup on or brushing my hair since I wasn't going anywhere and I knew that Danny and Rachel had seen my worst days.

As I crept the staircase, I heard angry words being spoken in the kitchen. I cocked my head sideways, scrunching my eyebrows together and concentrating, trying to make my hearing stronger. I carefully say down on the fifth step to the top and sighed, waiting for it to be over. The voices were muffled behind the door, so I couldn't figure out what they were arguing about.

The door shot open, "Fine!" A fuming Rachel stormed into the hall. Her face was twisted in frustration, her teeth and fists clenched. She looked so worked up that it was almost laughable, she was never this angry. Ever.

There was an itch in the back of my throat that made me coughed, causing her to flinch. Before she could turn, I was already up from where I was sitting and outside Danny's bedroom. I peaked over the banister just as Rachel slammed the front door behind her, which made me wince from the headache I had just gotten.

A sigh came from the kitchen and Danny appeared into the hall. I looked away for a second and noticed that his footsteps were getting louder. I hurriedly opened the door to his bedroom and closed it quietly, running to lie on his bed. I turned to face the wall, opposite the door and started to calm my breathing. A minute later, I heard Danny come in with another sigh.

The matress sunk down beside me as he lay down. He turned on his side so he was now facing my back and chuckled humourously, "Nik, I know you're awake."

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