Chapter 1

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New story! Woah!


"I love you Nikki," he whispered in my ear, his cold breath making me shiver. "But you have to die."

"No please," I sobbed, "I won't tell, I promise."

He laughed, taking the gun off safety and pressing it against the side of my head. "Ahh, but you will." I tried to get free of the ropes binding me to the wooden chair. "And I can't have it."

From the back of my eye, I saw my mom, my older brother Sam and my little sister Lily, crying and pleading for him to put the gun away. They were also tied to a chair each, cooped up in the corner of the basement. He caught me looking at them and turned to face my family.

"I think we should talk privately," He looked back at me, "Don't you think?"

I answered with a scream as three shots of the gun echoed in the room. Their bodies went limp, blood dripping out of their chests. I cried out with grief and all he did was laugh.

The laughter still haunts me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up.

It's been a year since it all happened. Every night I have the same dream over and over of the scarring event and everywhere I go I feel like he's waiting around the corner. Waiting to kill me.

I don't know what I promised not to tell but whatever it was must have been important. Every morning, I try to figure out if I was traumatized enough to forget or if my mind just made it up to make it scarier. 

When I first met Joey, he was a sweet, loving guy and I was so in love that I didn't see the twisted evil in him. Deep down I still love him even though he killed my mom and my siblings.

I slowly got out of bed, stretching in process. I looked around my simple enough bedroom. White walls, black duvet, black curtains, white floors. I'm not really a girl to decorate.

I walked over to my black wardrobe and opened it quickly, making sure he wasn't there. I know I'm really paranoid but can you blame me? I took out a pair of skinny jeans, black tank top and a navyhoodie. After getting dressed, I grabbed my phone and ran down stairs.

"Morning Nikki." my auntie, Iris, greeted me with a smile. She face turned a bit concerned seeing my face. "Did you sleep ok?"

I shook my head before going over to the cabinet to get a bowl of cereal. I sat down and stuffed my face with milky goodness.

Iris walked over and sat beside me, putting her hand on my back. "I think you should see someone about this, sweetie."

"I don't need to," I reassured her, "I'm fine."

I finished and placed the bowl in the sink. Iris still sat at the kitchen table when I left, a worried lookplastered on her beautiful face. I grabbed my bag and threw it over one shoulder and walked out of the house to catch the bus before it left.

I only had to wait a few seconds before the bus pulled up onto the curb. The old and tattered door opened to the, like, 70 year old woman driving it. I smiled at her but all she did was scowl, like always.

Getting in, the whiff of teenage B.O. and a smidge of alcohol hitting my face face. Everyone on the bus was chatting away with their friends and I hardly spotted Rachel and Danny shouting at me to come over and sit with them.

i smiled and walked over, making sure I didn't trip over a bag and humiliate myself. Danny moved his bag off the seat beside him to let me sit.

"Hey Nik." he smiled his signature smile at me. Before we started hanging out, Danny was a player, melting and breaking the hearts of girls who fell for his pearly white smile. But when he tried towhoo me over, I didn't fall for him. He changed his ways after talking to me a few times. I have that affect on people.

"Hi guys." I smiled back. "What ya talking 'bout?"

"Nothing." answered Rachel, tucking her long red hair behind her ears. "Just hanging."

There was a glint in her eye that told me that she had something important to tell me. She looked like she was going to explode with excitement I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" I asked her, laughing.

She squealed, "My cherry has popped!"

"Ohmigosh!" I shouted by accident. 'My cherry has popped' means she last the Big V. "Who?" I whispered.

"Sammy Raynand."

 My jaw dropped. Sammy Raynard was the QB on the football team. He was one of the hottest guys in Lakeside High! "No way! Really?"

We had totally forgot about Danny who was between us, confused like hell. "What are you guys talking 'bout?"

We just giggled.

The bus came to a halt and the driver was telling us ' to get the hell off her bus'. Wow she is a bitch.

I grabbed my bag and headed to the entrance of my school. It was huge and when I first started, I got lost in two minutes. But now I know every inch and corner of it.

This is the place where I met Joey.

                                                                                  * * *


I slumped back in my desk, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying. Something about an English essay. Just as I was about to go under when something hit me in the back of my head.

Rubbing the place where I got hit, I turned around to see a good looking guy motioning to the note on the ground. A sexy smirk on his face.

A small smile on my face, I picked up the note, uncrumpled it and read:

Hey Cutie, you dont wanna fall asleep cos the teacher will rip you apart. I just wanna say that the back of your head is real sexy. Maybe we can meet up and learn about each other. we'd learn more than Mr. Linger can ever teach us. From Hot Guy two seats behind you :)

I blushed.

"Class dismissed." Mr. Linger- Mr. Minger, as all of his students called him (He was caught making out with one of his students, who later got pregnant with a suspicious baby)- announced to the class.

I snapped out of my gaze and walked out of the classroom, my bag over my shoulder. Going to my locker, I saw a figure leaning against it. I slowly walked over to see the hot guy who sent me that cute note.

"Hey," I greeted, putting the combination to my locker in and opened it, shoving my books in.

"Hey Cutie." He greeted back, a friendly smirk on his handsome face. "What's your name?"

I smiled. "Nikki Simons." I shook his hand.

"Joey Daniels." He shook back.

                                                                   * * *

I wish I never met him.


Hey guys! Sorry if this chappie is kinda boring, I just wanna show you how they met and what happened to her family. Well except her father. He will be in this soon :)

Bye! I DID NOT PROOF READ THIS so sorry if there's any mistakes :D

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