Chapter 1

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*Melissa's POV*

It's been so long. I never thought that I'd see the worlds greatest couple fall apart. The love story was so phenomenal I was secretly jealous of their relationship, how they just complimented each other, how they were so right for each other but at the same time it was like they were complete opposites of each other. It was like two magnets coming together but they just couldn't become one. I hated how they were separated from each other, Aaron had become blind and Aphmau was in hospital but she could barely move. It was like seeing a horror movie unfold right in front of you, seeing the main characters just fall apart. That was the worst part in movies I hated, that's what I call a true horror movie. It's been 6 months since everything had unfolded. Where the world figured out that Aaron was the Ultima and Aphmau was the descendent of Lady Irene. Honestly it was hard for me to believe that everything had just unfolded like it did, how Aphmau was Lady Irene and Aaron was the Ultima to which I already knew as well as mum and dad.

It was just so hard to see everything just pour out right in front of you. I'm honestly just glad that I managed to pull through everything that happened. I know I have no right in saying that my situation was worse cause its not, but no one deserves to be in this amount of pain. This is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I know Michael deserved everything he had caused as well as Aphmau's dad, I just wish I could've done something to help Aaron and Aphmau. It's been 6 months since I've heard from Aphmau and I've haven't been really keeping in contact with the others. I mean we've kinda dispersed into different ways and I'm sure everyone back at home is wondering what the hell just happened. Well I mean its all over the news so I'm guessing everyone is preparing to barricade their windows and doors just in case the beast returns. I honestly hated how everyone sees Aaron as a beast but not for who he truly is. I know he's had a rough patch to start off on, but that's shaped him into the person he is and he's honestly become the sweetest person I know. But everyone else is willing to believe that he is some beast who will destroy everything in his path so he can make everything his own. That's what Derek had explained as well as everyone else that believed him and whom had spread the word. I almost started to believe him but then I remembered, I was with Aaron since birth, I knew the true Aaron Lycon, I knew what he was truly like behind closed doors and that was he'd do anything and everything to help Aphmau because he loved her.

He loved her so much and I remember Aaron telling me almost everyday, and when everyone found out that he had proposed we were all sharing his excitement and the happiness he shared along with it. I miss that Aaron so much, how he was holding Aphmau in his arms without a worry in the world and how everyone was so close to each other. I miss those moments so much, but now I'm currently on a ship to god knows where, while I'm sitting with Aaron rubbing his back because he's stressing out how he's gonna have to find a way to talk to Shu again and how he's also dealing with the fact that he's legally blind. I remember when the doctors told us that he was legally blind, but with his ultima persona his red eyes will come through, meaning that he can still see in that form. But I don't want Aaron to go to that place and use that persona of his purely because he's trying to find a way to see. And that something isn't fair at all. I hate how he's blind, I hate the idea of him not being able to see the sun rise or the sunsets or the idea of looking at Aphmau in her beautiful golden brown eyes or her black hair complimenting her facial structure. I'd do anything to bring both of them back together, but since everything that has happened everyone has just been pulled apart.

Aaron reaches over and grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. "Ow your hurting me" I exclaim. He pulls his hand back quickly and crosses his arms. "Sorry I didn't mean too.." He trails off into his own demeanour. "Aaron hey, It's okay I didn't mean -"

"Melissa it's fine I get it."

"No Aaron it's not, I shouldn't have said it like that, your hurting and I should be here for you."

"Melissa you and everyone else on this goddam ship are overfilled with pity, I can feel it."


"Melissa there's nothing you can say or do that's going to bring back my sight or bring back Aphmau."

"Aaron it's not like she's dead or anything she's still out there."

"Yeah the last time anyone's ever heard from her was still in the hospital. You've seen the state she's in."

"She even gave you my old bandana to give to me, how to do you think that's making me feel right now, the only reason I gave it to her was so I'm always with her no matter how far away we are."

"And now I've got it rapped around my head, where it should be with her." Aaron gets up quickly with emotion and slams his hand into the wall making a crater filled with broken pieces and cracks surrounding it.

"Aaron you need to calm down, we are going to find her but the most important thing right now is for you to focus on yourself."

"But Mel I just miss her I-" He starts to break down into tears, as I can see that the bandana he's wearing is becoming soaked with his tears. Even though that bandana is holding him back from me seeing his eyes, the tears are streaming down his face. It's hard to see him like this, it's hard to see your brother break down, and it's so much harder to see that his world is crashing down in on him.

"We will find her, no matter what we do but right now we just need to focus on you. That's the main priority right now." I pull him in and give him a hug, as I do I'm rubbing his back trying to give him some sort of comfort.

"Do you know where we are going?"

"Honestly I have no clue."

I pull away from the embrace, and drag Aaron out to the side deck where we stand there whilst the crisp salty air whips through our faces and our locks of hair.

"This feels nice." Aaron says as he grips the bar in front of him.

"At least you have your other senses with you." I giggle.

Aaron slaps me lightly on my arm as a joke. I'm glad he still has his sense of humour left in him. I'm just glad to see him smile.

"I think I better go for a nap."

"Oh haha your getting a bit old aren't you?" I laugh.

"Melissa!" He retorts in annoyance.

I laughed harder clutching my stomach, but in all seriousness he does need his rest. I grab Aarons hand and lead him to his room on the ship. On the way there , there was so many twists and turns, it honestly felt like I was in a maze. I started to feel dizzy since all the walls were the same. When we finally got to Aarons room, and he got settled in bed he pulled out this cassette or what ever you want to call it and he starts to play it through his head phones.

"Isn't that what Aphmau gave you all those-"

"Yes it is, it's the only way that I can connect with her." Aaron goes silent as he clutches his recorder thing with Aphmau's voice and as he does he rolls on his side and started to curl up into a ball. As soon as he does that his tail and ears pop out, and he pulls the blanket over himself and he makes himself smaller. Just watching him like that, it looks like he's trying to disappear from the world, from everyone and everything. I want to say something or give him another hug or do something at least to cheer him up but right at this moment there's nothing I can do apart from let him do his own thing and let him heal on his own. That's the thing I can do for him, and I know I can't always hold his hand forever.

Before I leave his room I turned around and said "Hey Aaron why don't I find out where we are headed, at least that'll give us some peace in mind." I crack a smile, hoping that he'd hear it in my voice. All I heard was a mumble back and some sniffles hear and there. I crack a smile one last time and close the door behind me so he can get some rest and to be by himself. I'm honestly hoping that I can figure out where we are headed because we aren't being told anything, I don't know if my parents know anything but that's what I'm willing to figure out. Hopefully I can find some clarity, and this new destination that we are headed too can be put forth and it can be something that we are looking forward to into Aarons recovery and a safe haven for all of us.

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