Chapter 4 - Aphmau's Imprisonment

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*Aphmau's POV*

I held onto the iron bars ever so tightly like my life had depended on it. My whole being was drained and all I could control was my own thoughts. Was my thoughts going to be taken too? Or was my inner demons going to get the better of me? I don't remember much of how I was tossed in here like a helpless cat, but from what I do know is that after I was placed in the hospital I was hooked up to so many different machines, and all these doctors had come in to observe me. Poke me over and over again. I was getting sick of it. I remember my mother saying; "Let my daughter be! She is not a test subject! You are all evil!"

After that she wouldn't let me go, she held onto me ever so tightly. Each and every doctor I had seen and more and poured into the room to drag my mother away. Screams was the last thing I heard before I was wiped completely of my vision before I was engulfed in darkness. The one last thing that I had seen  before I blacked out was this doctor looming over me, holding a needle in their hand. Before they had injected me, they said "You are very unique, you are going to be of great use to us."

*5 Hours later*

I remember waking up feeling ever so groggy like I've been zapped a thousand times. My eyelids were fluttering, twitching and squinting. Everything you can think of. My eye lids shot back open and they stayed glued to the upper part of my eye. My vision was still very blurry but I could make out certain objects. Again nothing had changed with the copious amount of machines all laying around my room. The ominous beeping noise comes back with a tighter and faster rhythm. My sight had slowly adjusted for a second to realise that I was now placed in a 8 x 3 room. It was all painted grey with no other tone attached to it. Yet but it still had the feeling that I was still in the hospital kind of vibe. It felt weird not comforting and something about this feeling shook me to the core. Suddenly I see a hand fly over me. Who ever it was just grabbed my jaw and made me face who ever was sitting right next to me. I didn't realise how close I was to that person cause their face was just inches away from mine. 

I couldn't make out any distinct features but all I noticed was that they were smiling. Grinning from ear to ear. Which had made my stomach drop. 

"Who- Who are you?" I spoke.

The persons smile faded quicker than anything I've ever seen before. "Aw don't you remember me?"

"Am I supposed to?" I spoke with sarcasm.

The person got up quickly and walked over to these chest of drawers or what ever they were, and they held out something in their hand, waving it in the air. "What is that?" I tried squinting at what ever this person had. Whilst trying to wiggle around in my bed that I was strapped to to try and gain some sort of understand what they were threatening me with. 

"Keep up the sarcasm and your going nowhere, you will remember no one and no one will remember you."

"This is your warning, you see I've had my eye on you for some time now, and yet I've always wondered why people saw you."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" More shivers went down my spine.

"Oh don't be dense. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Do not play dumb with me."


"Oh please spare me with what ever you were going to say, I couldn't care less. Not with how you'd slobber over Aaron."

"Wait how do you know Aaron?"

The person was twirling around the need in their hand ever so delicately, It was the most satisfying thing I've ever seen. It was like seeing a work of art being painted right in front of you. So delicate. So intricate.

"Oh you wouldn't remember me would you?"

"Actually don't answer that."

"You can keep your pretty mouth shut." She made this ominous clicking noise with her index finger and thumb, and suddenly I ended up with this weird tape over my mouth that strapped my head straight back to the bed. After that she made some whistling noise and the bed I was strapped on to sat up, like those you'd lay on like a regular hospital bed. 

Wait hold on a minute? I thought I was in a hospital? What is this? Is this person using magic? Where the hell am I? As more thoughts started to pour into my head faster than Usain bolt, this person grabbed me by the chin and made me look at them. Then finally it starts to make sense. It all finally comes together. All the puzzle pieces finally fall into place. 


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