Chapter 3

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*Aarons POV*

The morning bright sun rose form the depths of darkness, and kissed everyone and everything it had touched. The sun was ever so bright, it was like it had come up right to my face. Almost like a face to face reaction. After a few minutes had passed, and the sun was now sky high, the birds where chirping and singing just as normal as they would, my eyes started to flutter open. It took me a second to gather in my surroundings, as I figured out I was in the house we had discovered when we first came onto the island when walking through the dark. Not completely, but still. I gathered myself the best as I could and stretched out as best as I could as I seemed to knock something over. I wait for a few seconds to see if anyone else had heard the noise or if anyone else was awake. But nothing. No noise, no sound, just the good old sound of silence. I moved my hand back over to where I knocked the object over, I had traced my fingers over it and that's when I realised it was the same object I had thrown at the wall. Why did I do that? I don't know. It just felt weird sitting in my hand, even though I had only held it for a few seconds something about it just didn't feel right.

Tracing my fingers over the object, I realised that it was a very peculiar shape, as every part of this object was covered in this weird rough leather. When I felt around it some more, the leather was peeling off, and it felt like it was either rusting or there was once something else attached to it. Fiddling around with it some more, I then came to the conclusion that it was once apart of a sword. At least it seemed like it felt like the handle part of the sword. When I took grasp of it, this tingling feeling shot through my arm and through the rest of my body. Something about it, just took control over my body, something that I didn't even understand, it was like it was trying to communicate with me. I shoved the object into my pocket so no one else realised that I was holding on to it or at least I was hoping no one had seen me. I tried to sit up and gain some sort of understanding where everyone was, but then I had realised how quiet it was. Too quiet. I didn't like it. Then I had remembered that I don't even remember falling asleep. Not even settling down or closing my eyes or doing anything of the sorts. I don't remember a single thing. Why? Why was I suddenly forgetting how I had fallen asleep? Maybe I was that tired and exhausted that I must've crashed.

"Hello is anyone there?" I spoke out. As soon as I did, my voice had bounced off each wall of the house echoing. Surely I wasn't by myself. Was I? "Hello can anyone hear me?" I spoke out louder. But still the same echoing. Nothing had changed. It was way too quiet for my liking. I spread out my hands in front of me and started crawling around to try and make out where everyone else had gone, but so far I can't seem to find anything or find any relevance of what happened that night. After a few minutes I had given up in trying to find everyone and just sat there listening to the waves crash on the beach. It felt so calming. Like I was sitting directly in a yoga session. Then after a few minutes more of waiting and just sitting in silence, in the distance I could hear footsteps. But they were soft steps not the kind where your stomping everywhere, it was more so the pit pat motion. And they were coming closer. With each step that person took I became afraid of who they were and what their intentions were. I was more afraid of the fact that I couldn't see them. So I had hid beside the wall readying and preparing myself for what was to come next.

"Oh Aaron I- Gah"
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I'm so sorry Melissa I didn't even realise you were there..."

"What happened to everyone?"

"What do you mean?"

"The captain, the crew, mum and dad?"


"What?" Then the realisation hit. All along it was me, my sister and my parents that made it off the boat that night. All of it and everything that happened felt like a fever dream. In that moment nothing had felt real. Was my experience real? What was real? I'm sure Melissa could tell by the look on my face that I was going through the stages of shock. Her energy had shifted into this caring persona and pulled me in for a hug. I couldn't do anything but stand there while all the moments that I had experienced play through my mind.

I knew what had happened, but instead all I could do was ask, "what happened Melissa?"

She let go of me and took a deep breath in and sighed heavily. Her breathing became more intense, more detrimental to herself.

"Aaron I-"
"It was only you, me, mum and dad that made it on that life raft that night."
"You see, everyone else was meant to come on board but the ship was sinking so fast, no one could predict that. The captain stayed behind at the helm, and everyone else tried to run it aground..."


"The others that were trying to come on the life raft.. they all fell over board."

"What about crashing on the beach? Walking together towards this place?"

"Aaron you were going through so much shock that you were delusional."

"You were experiencing this out of body experience where you weren't yourself, you kept rambling on and on and all you were doing was just talking to the air."

I stood there for a minute to take in what I had just heard. I know none of this makes sense but right now, I just feel like I went through a massive loop hole and came out the derpy side of it. I didn't know how to react but just stand there and think. But there was no thought process or any single thought that had come through. It all feels so surreal.

"Where's mum and dad?" I asked.

"They're trying to find some food and scouting out the rest of the shoreline."
Melissa spoke quietly.

"I think I need to go for a walk or just be alone for a minute." I spoke with sadness stuck in my throat.

"Aaron you-"

"No Melissa I just need to be by myself for a moment, I won't wonder too far."

"I can handle myself."

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