Chapter 6 - Journey onto the mysterious island.. literally - Part 1

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*Author's POV*

Birds sing. Birds dance. Birds this, birds that. They're always so peaceful, just staring at them just feels soothing. Like you stepped back into time, confronting yourself with another version of you. Has it always been like that? I guess birds to have something in common with us... they always seem to flee when there's negative energy around them or when something bad happened in a particular area. They're smart like that. They always have been. Nevertheless of the beauty stricken upon a place where it hasn't been touched for so long. You can imagine what this place would be like. Some people would call it paradise, or you don't. It's simple really.

It's either you find yourself in a beautiful place that entrances you and traps you and keeps you inside its inner beauty but in reality it has more stories and more treasures than what it's making it out to be. Never expect something to be great unless you know for sure and you're definite. Or everything can go upside down, very very quickly.

*Aarons Pov*

"I won't wonder too far." Were the last few words I said to Melissa before storming off into the abyss of the mysterious night. I know I had mentioned I wanted to be alone for a minute but all I really wanted was her to come with me, I know that I can't help but dig deeper into this sorrow filled hole that I've managed to dig myself. I may not remember every single memory of me and Aphmau and from what stories I've been told about her, I only wish she was here with me. To tell me everything was going to be ok, to whisper and to hold me each night. It was like I lost a part of myself and I still feel like I'm losing myself piece by piece. It's like those nets at the Circus but they never seem to catch you. That's what it feels like.

The more I wondered into the forest the more it felt like I was getting lost within myself. The more time it gave for me to be alone with oneself and the more time to stumble over myself with every chance I had got. Everything around me seemed to change as the forest felt thick and dense and the leaves, twigs and roots of the trees seemed strange to me. The sound of them crunching under my feet didn't sound right, not how like they were supposed to. When something has been sucked out completely and when you step on it, it crumbles into dust. And that's how it exactly felt. I stopped dead in my tracks to gather myself and to pull my finger out and soon come tot he realisation, that I had found myself in the depths of dead land. All I feel is sorrow and hate. It's coursing through every crevice and around my body. Something didn't feel right. Something about it felt fresh. Normally when something shrivels up and dies it takes months upon years to get to this stage without it having any other occurrences provoking it.

But now, where I'm currently standing...felt too provoked. Something or someone did this. The smell of the dead land had nothing to contradict to any of mother natures gifts. It was bland and smelt sour. I thought to myself...magic. Magic had something to do with this. 'I need to turn back and find my family' I thought to myself. And so that is what I did. I tried to retrace my steps as best as I could and navigate my way through this corrupted wasteland of what was once mother nature's best creations.

*A few moments later*

I had stumbled back onto the beach, where it had dawned on was dead silent. Too silent. I had walked on further towards the ocean and all I could feel that everything around me was dead. Did the dead land follow me here? Why is it so quiet? I kept walking further with each footstep following a sequencing pace of stealthiness, I found myself standing in front of the house me, Melissa and our parents had been living in. "Hello?" I called out.

But nothing. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, nothing seemed to be worrying me or standing out to me that would pose as a threat. It all seemed to be calm with a dash of eeriness. Maybe it was my subconscious trying to tell me something. 'Something must be wrong with this island' I jokingly said to myself.

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