Balance [9.0]

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This day was probably the most thrilling that had been brought between the two while also simultaneously being the most emotionally intense.

Speeding on rocky roads, blasting any song they could find on the radio (skipping any channel that included Kohane's group), and generally just trying to make the best of a shitty time.

Many "awe"s and "ooh"s were spilled as they entered the major city, it housed millions but was generally kept as a local spot, not many media outlets spill around this area which made it a decent destination if you wanted to keep yourself out of the spotlight.

Despite having that small feeling of comfort as they stepped out of the car and into the short spanned parking lot, something still lingered, and they both felt it.

The senses of deja vu kept crawling back, it made all the previous feelings of comfort rapidly fade away just as quickly as it had appeared. A horrific impression on likely what it should've actually felt like.

The trip it took to arrive there was somewhat thrilling and left a lasting memory, but sitting in that cheap hotel in the outskirts of Yokohama, it left an eerie sense of emotion between the two girls.

"What does this remind me of..?" An thought, glaring over to the sign as she watched from the window, it was the hotel sign flashing its 'free breakfast' special, they might make good use of that promo by morning.

"Idol work?" Kohane spoke up, the sudden voice made An flinch a bit, upon entering the room, they had both gone dead silent, simply indulging in one another's mere existence. "Staying overnight in some small, nearly claustrophobic room." She added, pulling the jacket off of her arms and tossing it onto the queen medium bed.


They were able to snag a discount using one of Kohane's codes that had been stuffed deep into her pockets filled with pennies and bobby pins, it made An question whether that was pure coincidence that she had those.

She watched Kohane change before her very own eyes. The articles reappeared in her mind, the act of being an idol makes the processes of someone's brain differ from how they'd be otherwise. It was so corrupt, it made her question everything that led them to that place.

Some would refer to it as the fame seeping into their skin, but it came so different in An's perspective, especially since the only thing Kohane had ever implied was either providing decent, watchable performances or ditching everything, no in between.

"An-chan?" Kohane called out, her voice was soft, the day getting to the both of them as the sun had already fallen past the view of the trees and tall grass.

The processes held An down onto the sill of the window, Kohane's hand being gently placed onto hers.

Very few knew of their ideals, at least that's what An would like to believe, although not the exact details were told, it was enough to keep their world in a small loop. The coldness of Kohane's hand reached the warmth of An's shoulder, leaving a slight moment of retraction before they returned to their previous position.

The weight of their circumstances left a heavy impression on An, it felt foreign. This was meant to be a breather, running away from their problems back at home.

But in this world, there's no such thing as a break. Even with the slight breeze of the box air conditioner blowing into the room, it wasn't enough to keep the gap between the beads of sweat and the direct freezing of the girls.

Kohane's breath took a pause as she began to repeat herself, "An-chan." She said, her voice slightly lowering from prior.

An golted her head, her pupils blocking out any potential eye color from leaking through. She was just fine moments ago, now the reality sank in and she has no reasonable way of going about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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