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"Ah- freaking thorn!" the muffled voice of Jason Reel came from the cupboard where customer orders were kept. I smiled to myself, enjoying his pain but continued with the base of orchids in my arms.

I placed them decoratively by the petunias and succulents, forming an eye-catching display on the counter.

I can't stand Jason and his arrogant ways, however, my friend Bella, loved him, a lot. She even dared to call his arrogance 'attractive' and I then dared to call her 'idiotic', which isn't completely a lie. Even now, she was moaning at him repeatedly, and he groaned in response.

Kidding, I know exactly what they are doing in there and I'm praying there is a bee hidden in one of the white roses I collected earlier to fly out and sting him right on the-

"Oh my god!" My friend's yelp of pleasure cut off my chain of thought. Following that, there were giggles and shuffling, signalling they were finished. He walked out with his permanent, irritating, wish-I-could-stab-his-eyes-out smirk and she followed, her chocolate curls in a haphazard mess.

"Hey girl," she giggled, throwing an arm around me. I cringed.

"Don't touch me with your after-sex hands."

She pulled herself up on the counter. "Don't judge me- pretty sure if you had a hunky boyfriend like me you'd be at it all day. I bet somewhere inside you even like Jason a tiny bit."

I frowned. "I'd rather self-amputate my limbs and then position myself in front of a train, thank you very much."

A customer walked into the flower-filled shop. His eyes scanned the many roses and tulips until he reached the counter. "Hi, do you guys make flower arrangements? Bouquets?"

"It's my strong point," I pushed my glasses up my nosebridge proudly. "Which flowers would you like me to use?"

"The white roses and...the blue violets." he smiled. "Anniversary"

"Ah, how many years?" I asked after nudging Bella to collect the flowers who left with a scoff. My attention returned to the man, who smiled.

"Three years of blood, sweat and tears."

"Ooh, you see commitment is so damn cute!" I gushed. "Do you need it as soon as possible?"

"It would be nice if so."

I grinned. "Good thing I made one a few hours ago, give me a second."


I opened the door with a deep sigh, work tiring me out. My mother's laughter echoed through the house, meaning they were on Skype with dad.

My dad's in the army, in Afghanistan, so I don't see him very often. Don't get me wrong, he's exceptionally awesome. I threw my bag beside my brother Lucas & grabbed a chair by the Mac computer.

"Hey dad!" I exclaimed at the happy man, who waved.

"How are you, love? Grown much?"

"You know I haven't grown in like three years" I glared at my father playfully. "How's Afghanistan?"

"Good, in a way" he shrugged and laughed, then punched the air. "'Murica!"

The folks around him all yelled back something equally patriotic and then burst into a stream of laughter and colourful language even I widened my eyes at. Mom simply covered my sister Bayley's ears.

"Right everybody clear the room, I need to have a private chat with Athena" Dad smiled.

Mom blew him a kiss like Bayley and Lucas waved before they made an exit, closing the door for added privacy. "It wasn't just me who got into your secret chocolate stash, Dad! Lucas found out about it first and then Bayley began to eat-"

"It's nothing about that, but, we now have a new topic to talk about" he grunted and I giggled. "How was your speech on LBGT today?"

I chuckled awkwardly. "Well..."

"Well, what?"

"I blacked out at the first sentence"he face palmed. "I couldn't help it, all eyes were staring at me- 2000 plus of them, all at once- I feel light-headed"

"Woah, Hun. Breathe." He spoke calmly. "I have some news for you"

"Tell me"

"I can't tell you because I don't know when it will happen but, keep an eye out. And be ready to say goodbye to your family at any given time" he said. "I know how to improve your confidence"

"What are you planning, Dad?!"

"I can't tell you but you'll thank me later!"

"Dad, what-"

A siren rang on his side, and he waved quickly before ending the call. I released a high-frequency shriek, multiple thoughts racing following our 'private chat'.

SO HERE IS MY NEW IDEA IM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT💖 this will hopefully be updated more often than 'Irresistible' but let's see how I can juggle 3 stories, school, work experience, my life and etc 😊😭💖

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