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"Are you excited for the game?" Ross asked.

I nodded grinning. "At a given point I may shout go best friend that's my best friend at you, but that's if I really get turnt"

"Let's hope you do" he laughed. "Hi Casey!"

"Hello lovebirds!" She said then turned to me. "You're needed at the reception, you have a visit"

"I do?" I arched an eyebrow and she nodded, smiling. "Better get going"

We said our goodbyes and then Ross & I continued to the reception. It looked as still as it usually does, they occasional typing on keyboards or clicking on mouses. I approached a lady, who beamed at me. "You must be Athena Carmichael"

"Yeah. I apparently have a visit-"

"Athena" Ross whispered. "I'd turn around if I was you"

Hesitantly, I turned to face the military uniform I have longed to see. With a scream, I jumped onto my dad, clinging on for dear life. "OH MY GOD, DAAAAAAD!"

"Hi sweetie!" He exclaimed once we pulled away. He shot Ross a skeptical look, and then shivered. "I'm confused"

"It's a long story but I'm here" he chuckled. "I'll see you later, yeah? You guys need some alone time"

I smiled and then leaned over to kiss his cheek. "See you later"

"We'll check you out; all grown up and gorgeous" Dad grinned. "How have you been, especially back at school?"

"It's been tough but, I've settled"

"Fill me in whilst we get something to eat, yeah? And then I can tell you how Mom and the kids are" he looped an arm around me.

I smiled for the billionth time in 10 minutes. "Deal"


"Do you know how to drive?" Ross asked me as we approached a shed. I sighed into the phone.


"Well you do now" he chuckled. "See the lawnmower, it's keys are underneath the seat. I need you to drive that over here"

"Where the fuck is over here?" I sighed.

"Gates at the very edge of the field, hurry now, we're waiting"

I sighed and stuffed my phone back on my pocket. With a deep breath, I started the engine and went up the little hill leading to the field, and it was fine. It was on the actual field where I lost control of the damn thing and was going too fast for my liking.

In two minutes, I saw figures, and three blonde heads. "MIND OUT THE WAY!" was the final thing I cried out before hitting a bush. As it was winter, it had zero leaves, so getting prodded by sticks hurt even more.

A hand reached over, killing the engine. "The brake is on the left, your foot is on the right, klutz"

"Hehe" i smiled. "What are we doing?"

"Heading out" Riker said, Casey and Rocky beside him. "The others didn't want to come"

"Well, we can make our own fun then"
I replied, interlocking hands with my boyfriend.

He led the way using his phone's flashlight to a jagged hole in the fence followed by a slight ditch. The only thing was, we had to go past the train tracks to actually get to the town.

"Everybody in front of me" Riker said and we obeyed. The thrill, and being able to hear an approaching train was exhilarating. Despite Riker at the back, I was the last one actually off the tracks as I got my foot stuck under a wooden plank.

"Nobody is getting drunk tonight, okay? I don't want to be explaining to Mom or your parents why you got hit by a train" Rocky panted as we moved onto a main road. "But on a lighter note; let's get the banter started"

I smirked at him, nuzzling closer to Ross.

We raised hell that night. Had mini parties inside of stores, actually got inside a club then got kicked out, did some skateboarding, dares & the iconic moment where Ross pulled me into the middle of the road and randomly started to dance as a string of cars beeped at us (they had to go around, often yelling colourful language). I knew the memory was going to stick with me when the others joined us dancing, and when I realised Ross had on our matching bracelets again.

It was one of the few times in my life where I felt absolutely free. Sadly, I knew that wouldn't last.

comment your midnight adventures/how would you like your perfect midnight adventure to be (I'll be doing it too, don't you worry)😊

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