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No one was born ugly.
The truth is,
we are just a victim
of this judgemental society.

Our scars serves as our experience
and not to be called ugly.
Belly fat, chubby cheeks, and big nose.
No, that's not ugly.

To tell you who's uglier? It's those people who tells you you're ugly even if you're not. The ugly one is those who only uses their small and sinkhole-type brains.

Belly fat is pretty.
Chubby cheeks are cute.
Big nose is still pretty.
Scars in our body is pretty.

Messy hair? That is still pretty.
Dark underarms? That is still pretty.
Dark knees and elbows? Oh, that is still pretty.
Uneven teeth? It is still pretty.

You are beautiful.
You are strong.
You are brave.
Because of that, I'm proud of you.

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