Chapter 9 - The Pit

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"Hey, Sammy. Remember not to tell her too much, okay?"

The Impala was now parked in front of the lit up yellow house with street lights illuminating the darkened sidewalk out front as Sam leaned into the passenger window with a slightly defeated look on his face and nodded, "I know, Dean. It's fine, I'll come up with something."

I stood with Sariel in the grass as I watched Sam walk Cat up to her front door when I furrowed my brows in confusion, shaking my head as I looked back at Sariel, "Why'd you bring me here?"

Sariel took in a short breath, stepping onto the sidewalk and following after the young couple as she shook her head lightly, "Today was Sam's seventeenth birthday. But while you were over, spending time with him in his room, his brother had gotten a call from their uncle about what they believed was a possible lead in their father's disappearance."

I stepped up onto the porch with her, looking back as Cat smiled up at him while gushing about their first time making out alone in his room when Sariel stopped beside me, looking back with a slightly sorrowful look in her eyes, "Today was also the first time he ever had to lie to you, in order to keep his family's secret. It tore him apart inside to lie to you like this, but he believed he was only doing what was necessary to keep you out of harm's way."

Sam glanced down nervously, his expression now getting a little more serious before he looked back at Cat with his brave half smile, "Listen, Cat. There's something I have to tell you."

Cat stopped, furrowing her brows in concern when Sam took in a short breath, shrugging lightly and shaking his head, "I, uh... Something kinda came up, and... I guess it's more like a family emergency, but it's nothing that serious. I just have to leave town for a little while with Dean, but I promise I'll try to call you every night and stay in touch."

Cat's expression fell slightly as she looked up at him with concern in her eyes, "Okay. You're sure everything's okay?"

Sam flashed a brief half smile and nodded lightly, "Yeah. I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. I don't really know how long I'll be gone, but... Maybe when I get back, we can just spend the whole day together or something? We can do whatever you want to do."

Cat forced a half smile and nodded her head lightly, glancing down at the porch when she shook her head, looking up at him as she hesitantly spoke up, "Does this have something to do with your parents? I mean... We've been dating for a little while now, but I've never seen them around. It's always just Dean who's home."

Sam stopped, his face falling a little as he looked down and swallowed, shrugging lightly and shaking his head, "My parents... The reason they're not around is cause... Well, my mom..."

Sam hesitated as he continued to stare at the ground, furrowing his brows slightly and forcing himself to say it out loud, "She killed herself when I was just a kid... And my dad went missing a little while after that..."

Cat furrowed her brows as she looked up at him with a deep sadness in her eyes, feeling my chest ache collectively with hers when Sam finally had the courage to look back into her eyes, blinking away the tears lightly misting his eyes and shrugging lightly, "That's actually kind of why I have to leave town for a few days... My uncle thinks he might have found out something new about what happened to my dad, and where he might be now... So, we're going to try to find him. Just to see if he needs help."

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