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After a little argument with the rest of boys benny smalls and me went to bring the beast back to mr. myrtle. smalls knocked on the door as a tall black man with sun glasses on came out. he then started to look around. he's probably blind

"Hello?" mr myrtle asked still looking around

"this is bad, this is very bad" squints mumbles

"uhh, w-we brought your dog back.." smalls stutters

"hercules? how'd he get out?" mr. myrtle

"w-well uhm you see we kind of-"

"well what happened was that we hit a ball into your yard and we tried to get it back" benny says cutting smalls off

"so you're the one thats been making all that racket?" he asked

"yes sir" smalls said

"well did ya get it?" mr myrtle asked extending his hand out to get the ball. benny gave the ball to smalls and he placed the ball into mr myrtles hand. He then felt the bat and smelt it... like ok you do you I guess I don't know..

"well, it the first time anybody ever got the best of ole Hercules'' he said ''why didn't you just knock on the door? I woulda gotten it for ya" he says as me and benny turn to each other and me and benny look at each other surprised as everyone starts to yell at squint hitting him

"oh my gosh!''

"I can't believe you!"

everyone whined and complained

"we got the ball back didn't we!" squints defended himself

"we almost got killed!" hams says arguing back

"we got the ball back" squints says agent as mr. myrtle lets out a loud laugh

"thanks for bringing him back home come on in we'll talk about this baseball" he says walking back in his home with us following behind

"is there a girl here I heard a lighter set of foot steps" mr. myrtle says as we step into his house

'' uhm y-yeah" I choke out

"thats cool you play baseball too?" he asks

"yeah I do but I run track too" I tell him

"thats real nice" he says with a smile "you any good?"

"yep I guess im good" I say

"I bet you are" he smiles before turning his attention to something else

"you're in trouble aren't you son?" he asks smalls

"yeah, well that ball its my step dads ball. I took it without asking it was signed by babe ruth" smalls says

"George signed this" mr. myrtle asked

"George Herman ruth? yeah" smalls said

"I take it back, you're not in trouble. your dead where you stand" mr myrtle says and me, benny and smalls look at eachother.

"hold on, hold on" mr.myrtle says getting out of his chair going into a cabinet full of baseballs, grabbing one then handing the ball to benny before sitting back down.

"here ill trade ya" he said

"thats real nice of you but that ball was actually signed by babe ruth'' benny says

"so is that one, with the rest of the 1927 yankees'' mr. myrtle said as we all went wide eyed and looked at the ball

"oh wow" I mumbled

"oh man! muders row! Lou Gehrig!" benny exclaimed looking at the ball shocked

"babe ruth!" smalls says pointing at his name on the ball "but why would you trade? that one is all chewed up? smalls asked

"I got a lot of good stuff. look at the stuff, besides you need it more than I do" mr. myrtle said as we walked over to the cabinet with lots of baseballs that are signed making my eyes go wide

"you knew babe ruth!?'' smalls says looking at the picture on the wall with him and babe ruth

"George? sure I did, and he knew me! he was almost a great hitter as I was. I would've broken his record but-"

"you went blind.." smalls cuts him off

"yep I used to crowed the plate so the strike zone almost disappeared" he laughed at the memories "pitchers hate that! thats the way I played, one hundred precent, all the time and I was good, real good, and then one day a high fast one and POW lights went out'' mr. myrtle said while benny looked mad astonished

"I don't think we could take this ball" benny said looking at it

"I'll tell you what you guys come by once a week and talk baseball with me and we'll call it an eve trade" he suggests

"deal!" smalls said shaking mr. myrtles hand

smalls gave his dad the murders row ball and he said he loved of corse but he was still mad smalls had taken his signed babe ruth ball and ruined it and grounded him for two weeks. me and olive also got along after a while too and became kinda inseparable. I don't know how but it just happened

I think things worked out pretty well between smalls and his step dad after that. after some time we found out yeah-yeahs parents shipped him off to military school, and after the army, and he became one of the pioneering developers of bungee jumping. Yes and we all know why of corse. Bertram, well Bertram got really into the 60s and we never saw him again. it was really weird. Timmy and Tommy became an architect contractor. they started out small, designing playground equipment, preferably treehouse, but they became multimillionaires when they created mini-malls. squints grew up and married Wendy peffercorn! me and Wendy were still locked in even after the boys had gotten banned from the pool forever that one day and we stay in touch, but, Wendy and squints and Wendy had nine kids together. they bought Vincents drug store and still own it till this day. ham became a professional wrestler. you know him as the great Hambino> kenny played Tripple-A ball but he never got to the majors. he owns his own business now and coaches a little league team called 'The Heaters' smalls became an announcer for baseball games and Hercules lived to be 199... wait that sounded wrong.. In dog years. smalls was the last one to move away but when he did the sandlot was still there.

After benny pickled the beast his reputation spread all over town and was known as' Benny the jet Rodriguez'. It also spreader over that me and him were dating and it surprised a lot of people. When my dad found out he grounded me and tried to prevent me from seeing him but is obviously didn't work and he later on accepted the fact that we were dating. we both got the nick name 'the jet couple' and both those names always stuck with us for the rest of our lives. later on me and benny got married and had 3 kids. benny of corse like we all knew, made it to the major leagues and I became a professional athlete and went to the Olympics and broke the girls world record for the 60m dash and triple jump. me and benny secretly liked each other ever scince we were kids but never said a word because we were to close and we didn't want to ruin our relationship and thought we would never see each other like that so would some other people, especially my dad. it was all like amor prohibido.

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