Chapter 1: Meeting The Boy Who Lived

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We open this chapter in the Highlands following a man almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wild – long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, he has hands the size of dustbin lids and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins. This is Rubeus Hagrid off of to see an old friend that lives in the Highlands close to the large castle known as Hogwarts. Hagrid arrives at his destination a small cottage far smaller then himself. He brings his hand to the door giving it a light knock and waits for a moment before the door opens to show a small ten year old boy with (H/L) (H/C), Hagrid Smiled apon seeing the young boy

Hagrid: Hello Y/n 

the now named Y/n locked up to the much taller being with a wide smile happy his (E/C) shining with joy to see someone he recognised

Y/n: Hagrid

Y/n then sprint's back inside leaving the door open allow to Hagrid to enter and close it behind him as he make his way to a seat which gives him a view of the young boy zipping about the cottage to make Hagrid some tea which he is quick to present to the much lager man before joining Hagrid at the small table 

Y/n: W-what brings you to see me, Hagrid?   

Hagrid: Oh, Y/n I was hoping you would come out with me to pick someone up for school 

Y/n: School? 

Hagrid: You did get the letter... Right? 

Y/n and Hagrid look over to the large pile of letters which Y/n had choses to ignore 

Hagrid: Oh.. Y/n it would take us hours to sort though all that

Y/n: No need 

Y/n Picks up a wand close by to him pointing it to the pile as Hagrid watches with intrigued. Y/n ready to cast a spell stops himself looking to Hagrid 

Y/n: What was the name of the School again? 

Hagrid: Hogwarts School for witchcraft and wizardry  

Y/n: *Nods repointing the wand to the pile* Accio

The pile of letter rustle before one shoots out destroying the pile sending the letters flying everywhere as Y/n catch's the one he summoned 

Hagrid: Bravo, I see you've got the hang of the Summoning charm and that wand is working well for you

Y/n: Of course my father gave it to me after all to keep me safe *Y/n then hands the letter to Hagrid who opens it up for Y/n who sits across form him 

Hagrid: "Dear Mr. L/n, We are you pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await you owl by no later than July 31st. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress". Good we still have time

Y/n: What's wrong? 

Hagrid: it's now 30th of July, I'll just Professor McGonagall that you are coming  

Y/n: Ar- *Shakes his head* Thank you Hagrid 

Hagrid: Now that we have that sorted would you like to come with me to get one of your classmates 

Y/n nods before we cut to Hagrid and Y/n making there way through a storm at a place called the hut-on-the-rock the very next day the trip having taking the pair a day to reach their destination Hagrid now carrying a boxed cake for said student there here for.

Y/n: Why are they here Hagrid? 

Hagrid: It seems there gradian really didn't want them joining the school 

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