Chapter 4: Arriving At Hogwarts School

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A/n: Sorry this took so long to relies I've mostly spent some time contemplating between doing this book based off the Books or Based off the Movies and I've decided to do it based off the Movies but adding some details from the books as we go

We open this chapter with The Hogwarts Express arriving at Hogsmeade Station with the Large figure of Hagrid makes his way over to greet the new students 

Hagrid: Right, then. First years, this way, please! 

Students start filtering out of the train with some of the older students making there way in the opposite direction of Hagrid

Hagrid: Come on, first years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up.

We then see Harry, Ron and Y/n exit the train alongside multiple other notable students in the first year students with the only ones Y/n could recognise being Hermione and Lyra before he and Harry approach Hagrid with big smiles while Ron is still looking around amazed at the magic around the station before his eyes land on the Hulking behemoth that is Hagrid alongside the other students who stare with both intrigued and Amazement causing Y/n to be slightly confused mutter that Hagrid is only a half giant    

Hagrid: Hello, Harry, Hello, Y/n 

Y/n and Harry: Hi, Hagrid. 

Ron: Woah. 

Hagrid: Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me. 

Hagrid starts leading the way with all the first year students following closely behind before we cut to the about to get on boats to cross what is known as the Black Lake

Hagrid: All right Everyone chose a partner to cross the lake with

Y/n looks over to Harry and Ron

Ron: Shall we go together 

Harry: Sure, Ron

Y/n sighs before looking to Hermione seeing she's talking to a different girl making him sigh as he approaches Hagrid 

Y/n: Is it okay if we just count P/n as my partner 

Hagrid: I wouldn't normally with the other students but for you Y/n sure  

 Y/n nods before he then notices an argument between Lyra and what looks to be her brother or at least someone with a close resemblance to her 

Lyra's Brother: You're just gonna have to get another boat sister.

Lyra: Why Can't I get one with you, Brother?!  

Lyra's Brother: Because I'm taking with Crabb and Goyal with me 

Y/n rolls his eyes at the conversation ready to ignore it entirely 

Lyra: Fine I wont go with you brother I'll just go with *spots Y/n causing her to smirk pointing at him* Him

She then marches off with the other students watching in great interest at where she'll go before she is at and grabbing a hold of Y/n's arm and leaning to his ear

Lyra(Whispers): Play along and I won't make your years at Hogwarts hell   

Y/n grumbles and as much as he wishes to disagree, he already knows he needs a boat partner and if anything she will do 

Y/n: Sure we can ride together   

the other students gasp as Hagrid looks on in intrigued that Y/n would be so quick to accept but shakes his head and looks to the students 

Hagrid: All Right you lot, got your partners now on your boats 

Y/n gets in the boat with Lyra as she sparks conversation 

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