Chapter 2: Welcome to Diagon Alley

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We open this chapter with Y/n, Harry and Hagrid making there way though London as Harry reads the Hogwarts letter further 

Harry: "All students must be equipped with: One Standard size 2 pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an Owl, A Cat or a toad." *looks to Y/n and Hagrid confused* Can we find all this in London?

Y/n Shrugs as they both turn to Hagrid who leans down to them   

Hagrid: If you know where to go 

The Pair follow close to Hagrid as he approaches what looks to be a rundown pub before a sign appears as if by Magic stating it's name to be "The Leaky Cauldron" amazing Harry and to a slight extent Y/n as the three enter the pub to find it rustling with people drinking to there hearts content making Y/n smile at the merriment before continuing to follow Hagrid who is manging to guide Harry and try his best to shield him form prying eyes untill the three are stopped by someone familiar to Hagrid 

Friend of Hagrid's: Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume? 

Hagrid: No, thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business. *pat's the shoulders of Y/n and Harry* Just helping young Y/n and Harry buy their school supplies. 

The man now known as Tom looks happy to here Hagrid helping out young wizards before taking a good look at Harry noticing his signature Lighting bolt scar putting him into a state of surprise and joy       

Tom: Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter! 

The whole bar goes silent hearing that as Y/n looks around confused before remembering how much of a legend Harry truly is for what's he's manged to do making him look to the shocked young boy who is in a state of shock at the silence the mere utterance of his name has caused before someone gets up form their seat to greet the young boy taking a hold of his hand

Rando Wizard: Welcome back, Mr. Potter. Welcome back. 

the man lets go of his hand with Harry trying to move forward unsure how to react to the attention but is stopped by another person who again takes a hold of his hand  

Doris Crockford: Doris Crockford. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last. 

Doris lets go of his hand allowing him to move on to where Harry is stopped by another person who Y/n gets a good look at the nervous young man with pale white skin and something Y/n found strange was the turban apon his head which gave off a dark sense that made him wish that he was as far away form this person as possible but chose to stand still next to harry as he listens to him

??: Harry P-p-p-Potter. C-can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you.

Y/n then rubs his skull confused as he stares at the man wondering what that feeling could be as this just seemed like some fool unaware of how to walk form left to right without needing to apologies twelve times first.... or is that what he seems to be?... Y/n shakes his head of the thought as he hears Hagrid talking 

Hagrid: Hello, professor. I didn't see you there. Harry, Y/n, this is Professor Quirrell *nods to Quirrell causing Harry to look impressed while Y/n is unsure of the man as he smiles innocently back at the pair* He'll be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher At Hogwarts.    

Him?! is all Y/n can think seeing the Stuttering mess of a man that is Quirrell 

Harry: Oh, nice to meet you.      

Harry unlike with the other two patrons puts his hand out first this time however Quirrell almost looks terrified of the gesture but is quick to hide unlucky for him... Y/n notices and is just the most confused about the idea that a simple handshake is terrifying to the stuttering fool  

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