part three: scraped knees and swing sets

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"I bet I can swing higher than you."

"You wish, loser."

Hyunjin was a very competitive child, and his biggest rival was you. Partially fueled by curiosity and somewhat fueled by pride, you often challenged each other to contests to determine who was the best at handball, who could hold their breath underwater for the longest, and who would blink first in a staring competition.

Your scores were always neck and neck, which only provoked your competitive spirits more. During recess hour one sunny day, they brought you to the swing set, eager to prove who could soar the highest.

You and Hyunjin plopped yourselves down side by side on the swings. The keen grin on his face was mirrored on yours as you both prepared to propel your way to the top. On his count, you began to swing your legs, using your weight to launch yourself forward and back. You steadily built a rhythm, accelerating more and more with each beat.

Hyunjin saw from the corner of his eye that you were gaining speed. He had to kick himself into high gear. Biting down on his lips, he drove his legs into the air, sucking in deep breaths with each fall and releasing sharp huffs on the way up, putting his all into rising as high as he could.

And then he did it. He was swinging higher than you! A smile crept onto his face as he watched his swing overcome yours. Hyunjin was victorious. As he relished in his victory, he felt the crisp air fill his lungs, the warm sunshine on his face. Every time he swung towards the sky, it felt like he was in the clouds. Hyunjin was on top of the world. He was on top of his little world.

You admitted defeat and hopped off your swing, watching him from below. He was soaring so high that your amazement overshadowed your disappointment.

"Hyunjin! You're flying!" You shouted to him.

Hyunjin responded with unrestrained laughter. He never felt so alive. His heart was soaring out of his chest. He really was flying.

Seeing him laugh, you started giggling too. You wished you could be up there with him. But your sky expedition would have to happen another day, because the bell rang to call you back to class.

"Hyunjin! We have to go!"

He heard your voice and tried to slow down, but he couldn't stop his momentum. He was swinging too high, too fast. Suddenly his joyride felt like a death trap. Hyunjin couldn't come down.

"I can't stop!" He yelled, eyes wide with fear.

You began to worry. What if Hyunjin was stuck up there forever? What should you do? How could you save him?

You positioned yourself in front of his swing and held out your arms.

"Jump off, I'll catch you! I promise!"

Hyunjin was terrified, but he trusted you. He was scared of falling, but you promised you'd catch him. You wouldn't let him fall, and he believed in you. So he scrunched his eyes shut and jumped.

He jumped straight into your arms—just as you promised—but knocked you over in the process. You fell together in a tangle of bruised arms and battered legs. When you stood back up, Hyunjin was still on the ground, clutching his leg. Quiet sniffles left his body when he showed you the scrape on his knee—it was bleeding. You ran to your teacher for help and retrieved a bandage for him.

Hyunjin stared as your nimble fingers carefully placed the bandage over his wound. It was dotted with colorful stars, yellow, blue and red—all of his favorite colors. After the scrape was covered, you bent down to place a kiss over the bandage and Hyunjin's heart soared for the second time that day.

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