Joy Kahale's Dad, Michael Kahale

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Blaine McKoy's P.O.V.

Have you ever hated someone so much, it basically overthrows every single thought?

That starts consuming all the minutes of every day, because you want to surpass it?

That was basically what I felt for Joy Kahale.

My friends insisted that I was in love with her. That 'from love to hate is only one step away'. Well it's not my case. Because, and this my friends know it (though, they keep insisting), first and most impostantly, I'm gay. Yep, I like boys. I had my share of boyfriends over the past months and I liked enjoying my time with them.
With Joy, all I feel is hate.

"Dude, would you let it go?!" Mark insisted, while we were near my locker. I took my book and glared at him.

"I'd never let it go" I admitted, slamming my locker shut "She is a two-time-face liar and I'd never forgive her"

"Blaine, that's the kind of reaction you'd have towards a bully, not someone on your Ec Class!!" he insisted, emphasizing the words 'Ec class'.

That's how I met Joy. We were partners on a project and she not only did it alone, without my help, but she warned me 2 days prior to the deadline and she claimed she never baked a cake before!!

"You know I hate liars" I sighed. Mark is not responsible for my anger. He sighed and patted my back.

"You should make peace with her" he proposed. I swear, my mouth flew open.

"What are you saying, creature?!" I gasped at him, placing a hand over my heart "Did your last date fucked you really hard?!" I joked at the end, causing him to blush.

"One, I'm saying we're senior, Blaine... You have to move on once college is here" he started, still blushing "Two, Ben and I haven't fucked, yet" Yep, Mark was also gay. We had a thing going on, but he ended it, breaking my heart in the process (I'll never admit that). Now, we're just good friends. And, it's killing me.

"Which means, you don't like him" I pointed at him. Inside, I was screaming with hope.

"Which means, I wanna take things slow" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just because you were impulsive with me, you don't have to be scared with the rest" I mentally smiled, remembering our first date. Let's just say, we hit third base 20 minutes after we met.

"We're not talking about me!" he reminded me, his cheeks like a firetruck "You need to get over this thing with Joy" I groaned. The things I do for him...

"I promise I'll try..." I promised, but that was enough for him. He hugged me tight so fast, I couldn't hug him back.

"Great! I'll see you later" he announced, before sprinting down the hall.

What did I get myself into, this time?!


I didn't cross paths with Joy till Ec Class. I don't know if that was good or not, but when I saw her, we were alone inside the classroom. I figured this would be a good moment as any. I cleaned my throat and that caught her attention.

Her black straight hair was tied up in a low side ponytail. Her caramel skin was a bit pale, considering we were in fall near the autumn. Her eyes were never-ending changing colors.

"Blaine..." she greeted me. I nodded. How do I start this?

"OK, I just want you to know that this wasn't my idea..." I started, trying to be honest "But, a good friend pointed out that college is around the corner and that I don't want old scars following me around, so..." I trailed off, looking at her. She looked confused, frowning her perfect eyebrows together "What I'm trying to say is that... I'm willing to try if you try"

"Sounds... reasonable" she confessed, nodding and pulling her hand out "I'm up to bury the old axe of war" I shook her hand back.

"Just, don't expect me to like you right away" I warned her and she raised her hands in defence.

"So, who should I thank for this change of heart?" she wondered, while I sat behind her.

"Thank Mark" I told her. She stared at me for a few seconds before smiling.

"You like him, don't you?" I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks "I knew it!! Oh, you two look adorable together"

"We're not together" I replied, automatically. She looked at me a few more moment before writing down something.

"Come after school. I know someone who can help"


I was standing outside this cafe, after school, waiting for someone called Michael to show up. Mark wanted to came with me, but he had plans with Ben. He didn't sound sincere, but I brushed it off. I've been waiting twenty minutes here. I knew it, it was a prank...

"So sorry, I'm late" A man made his way towards me and sat across me. He was tall, built and tan. He reminded me of Joy in a way, probably because his hair was also black. Or the way his eyes changed colors, too. Or maybe, it was just the smile he was giving me, friendly and open "You're Blaine?"

"Yes, and you're Michael?" I checked the piece of paper Joy handed me. The man nodded.

"So, why am I here?" he asked me, while a waitress served him coffee.

"Didn't Joy explained? Because I don't know myself" I admitted. I noticed Michael staring at me, the same creepy way Joy did.

"Oh, I know pretty damn well why she told you to come here... Looks like he got Daddy's skills, after all" he chuckled, pointing at himself.

"You're Joy's Dad?!" I blurted out, shocked.

"And, as from this moment, your own personal Cupid" he finished, smiling at me. My cheeks were burning in embarrassment.

How did I get myself into, again, this time?!

That's how I met Joy Kahale's Dad...



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