chapter 4~ back home?

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The banging on the door continued. we were still frozen in place "OPEN. THE. FUCKING. DOOR."

Fuck he found us, our father found us, this was the end. he would burst through that door and we would have to go back home with him to that shit hole.

"Quick grab your stuff and get out the back door" Lilly's father said to us.

"But-" i was cut off by him saying "you are running out of time like this, go grab your things, we will distract him"

"Thankyou" he nodded and i quickly hugged Lilly and smiled at her mother, i didn't know when i was going to see her again i wish she would come with me but she can't.

With that we all sprinted up the stairs grabbing our things and coming back down to go to the back door, i heard my father yelling as always, he was standing inside the house now furious as ever.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" he said angry looking around the house hoping he would find us, so that he can bring us back to that so called place "home"

"I don't know what you're talking about Matteo" Lilly's father said calmly which made my father even more angrier

"YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT ARTHUR, THOSE LITTLE SHITS WHERE ARE THEY?" he was walking around the house now and i could see that Lilly's father was getting pissed. he never liked my father that much, no one liked my father and i understood why.

I didn't want to stay here any longer so i took my siblings quickly heading to the back door and we took off running to Lorenzo's car.

Once we were inside we were breathing heavily and our harts pounding into our chest, Lorenzo was trying to start the car but it wouldn't turn on "fuck it's not starting" he said trying again.

"What do you mean it's not starting?" I turned to him panick in my voice.

"Uhhh guys dad is coming this way" Alessia said anxious looking outside.

"COME ON LORENZO DO SOMETHING" i yelled fear rising in me as i looked outside seeing dad coming closer to us.

"I'M TRYING" he yelled back turning the car back on for the hundredth time, my father tried opening the door banging on it, i don't know how but the car magically turned back on.


Lorenzo sped off exiting the neighborhood, we let a deep sigh of relief "that was close" Alessia said laying down in the backseat. "real fucking close" i said letting my head fall on the head rest.

"Where are we going now?" She said turning around in the back, i shrugged "i don't know" we will see where the wind takes us i hope somewhere safer then here.

I just wanted all of this to be done, i just want to live my life with my siblings, find normal Love if i could even find love at all, and this to be over.

I don't think i'll ever find someone that will love me like the way i dream of, everytime i gave someone my all and trust, they would just use it against me or prove to me that i don't deserve love at all.

i think the universe doesn't want me to find someone that will love me like i dream of.
But it may be better for me so that i wouldn't get hurt again.

Those thoughts were running through my mind and i was tired as hell i just wanted to put myself at ease and think about nothing. so i closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

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