chapter 8~ Capo?

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"let her go!" a voice said.

it was my brother. I was relieved he came to help but I was still so fucking mad at him. stupid fucker.

The man frowned as he saw my brother and let me go. I grabbed my throat coughing and taking deep breathes as if the air would disappear any second again. I have never been so happy about breathing. His hold on me was so fucking tight. Was he that mad that I slapped him?

"capo?" my brother said confused. I frowned as I kept looking back and forth between them. Wait, Lorenzo knows him too? Wtf is going on here. I regained some of my strength back and spoke up "okay what the fuck is happening. How do you know him?" I asked my brother, getting more confused.

he remained silent till he spoke up "well you know those guns?" Enzo said and I nodded. "I got them from him" I hummed in response not really interested on knowing more.

But that still doesn't add up? When Enzo saw the men it looked like he was slightly surprised to see them but not at all and especially the man that held me. I know something is off and now that Enzo doesn't seem bothered by them, he must know all of these people then.

"but that still doesn't add up to why you are calling him capo?" I knew he heard me but he just ignored me and went up to the man giving him a man hug as they greeted eachother.

Men and those hugs of them where they dab eachother up- just no.

They started catching up and laughing at dumb things, as I stood in between them looking dumbfounded about everything that's happening now.

I cleared my thoat "not to interrupt your boy talk gentlemen, but Alessia is still missing!" they were really out here talking about old times when my sister was taken away by men who I didn't know.

They stopped talking and both looked at me, The man who had choked me and I still didn't know his name of narrowed his eyes at me "who's Alessia?" omg can this fucker be even more dumber.

I was about to respond when my brother did for me "it's our little sister" Enzo gave me a questioning look "and what do you mean Alessia is missing?"

"well dear brother do you see her anywhere around here?" I raised an eyebrow looking around.

Some of the guards around us snickered "I like her" one whispered and the other next to him nodded saying "full of surprises. Wonder what she can surprise me with in bed" they laughed. It made me disgusted about myself and ashamed, I just wanted to run away. Why are men like this?

"you two shut the fuck up before I do it for you"

"y-yes capo" both men looked down at their boss as they quickly walked back to the black vans. The man probably saw how uncomfortable I was with that comment and shut them up real quick. which I'm thankful for again.

so much for my brother to help.

"amelia don't play with me, where is Alessia?"

"I already told you she was taken away by men who Idon't know! Why won't you believe me? Ask your "capo" he will tell you" I scoffas I see the man smirking for when I called him "capo" this guy's ego is justtoo big and I fucking hate it.

Lorenzo just stood there not knowing what to say or do "oh and they blew up you're car" I mentioned

"MY WHAT?" I just shrugged as I took a step away from him. I couldn't read what Lorenzo's facial expressions were but I sure knew he was mad. The man just held his laugh as he looked away and I saw Vince approaching us.

 "sorry to interrupt but what Alessia are we talking about?" I sighed I was so fed up with them all and they kept asking things instead of moving and starting to find my sister.

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