chapter 9~ attack

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We set the last few of our things in the car and got in.

"did you get the guns?" Lorenzo asked

"uhh yeah i think so, i put them in the duffle bag" i said looking around for it

"well where's the duffle bag?"

"i don't know, you had it in you're hands Enzo" we got out of the car again and started searching for the damn bag. He probably left it in the room like always...

"didn't he leave it in the room or something?" Alessio said out of nowhere. Lorenzo looked away avoiding eye contact with me, because he had put the blame on me when it was his fault. 

I frowned"just get the duffle bag Enzo and hurry up!" without another word Lorenzoquickly headed towards the rooms again. 

I rubbed my face and sighed. I was tired and i wanted to sleep. But that can't happen when i need to find my sister. i don't even know how long it will take for us to find her. I'm just gonna pray that she's alright, because i need her in my life, i can't leave her like that i would never forgive myself.

i was in my thoughts someone tapped my shoulder and when i didn't respond the person tapped me harder.

"what?" i turned around to be met with Alessio.

Thanks to Vince i now know his name. I wonder why he didn't just tell me from the start, but oh well now i know it.

Something about just being near Alessio just didn't sit right with me. I know i've said it alot now but it's just something about him... he probably sell drugs or something. But why the guards tho....? i will find out either way if he doesn't wanna say.

I was to busy looking in his hazel eyes that i didn't even notice Enzo coming back. I quickly looked away as a little blush creeped up my face. Why am i blushing over this man? What is wrong with me. i saw him smirking and i quckly headed for the car again.

My brother was looking at us weirdly as he put the duffle bag in the car but i just gave him a look not to question anything. Everyone got in the car silent not talking as Alessio started driving and the guards started following us with their vans.

Well that was something....

"where are we going first?" i ask breaking the silence

"somewhere" Alessio replies. And did i mention how deep his voice was god.. okay i need to stop, i just know this guy and i don't even know what he's capable of. Focus Amelia this is for your sister.

"where is somewhere?" i was gonna keep questioning him till i got my answers whether he likes it or not.

"just a place" he sighs

"and that place is?" i could feel him getting irritated but do i care? Hell no. I need to know where we are going.

"my place okay? My house. I'm bringing you to my house" he snaps. Everyone is dead silent after that and i hum in response. Enzo gave me a glare to shut up but i shrugged cause who is he to tell me what to do?

"how long is that going to take?" i ask again

He groans and steps hard on the breaks making us lean forward "Enzo if you don't tell your stupid sister to shut up, i will"

Enzo was about to reply but i didn't let him "i was just asking how long that will take, no need to get mad" i snap back.

He scoffs as he starts driving again "you ask too many questions and get on my nerves that's why."

I lean back in my seat "just making sure you won't kidnap us but okay"

"oh please if i wanted to do that i wou-"

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