"gustav ahr to the office"

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gus' pov

walking into school the next day felt like a witch hunt. in this era of social media, word spreads fast and i felt everyone's eyes on me. they all knew what had happened. they were judging, rightfully so. if it was someone else i would probably do the same thing.

they don't get it though, it should have been nova and i to begin with. she wants me, i want her. this is how it was meant to be all along, unfortunately my best friend, well, ex best friend got made the fool of.

gabe, bruno, and ryan all stood in the corner of the hallway out lockers were in. it was a safe bet to say jack wouldn't be at school today. i hadn't spoken to the rest of the guys yet. it was anyone's guess how mad they would be at me. i was praying for it to me mendable.

"hey guys" i greeted them. they looked at me like i was the devil, three glaring faces looked back at me. "what's wrong with you?" bruno asked, "let me explain" i started, "no, there's no reasonable explanation for this" bruno cut me off, the other two nodding in agreement of whatever he said.

"just stay away from us, stay away from jack. you're a piece of shit gus, you and your little whore girlfriend" he spoke with pure hatred.

rage boiled inside me with his last statement. without even thinking really, my fist connected with his jaw, and again with his nose.

"woah man", gabe pulled me off of bruno. his blood dripped down my arm. "what the fuck" bruno yelled, holding his face.

"say what you want about me, keep her name out of your fucking mouth, don't talk about her" i said with a threatening tone.

i turned the other way, walking away from my former friends. it hurt a little, i spent basically my whole life with these guys for it all to dissolve in a day.

it was with it though, for nova. i can make new friends, i can't find another her.

i'd just gotten down the stairs to the ground level of the school, i wasn't planning on going to class.

"gustav ahr to the office. gustav ahr to the office. thank you" sounded off across the whole school over the announcements.

"fuck my life" i mumbled to myself

i took my time getting down to the office. i really didn't care.

i entered the office. the secretary didn't speak, just pointing towards the principals door.

i stood in the doorframe, waiting to be spoken to. "mr. ahr" the principal spoke. "yes?" i played dumb.

"have a seat" he said.

"i heard you had a physical altercation with another student earlier" he informed me.

"hm" i shrugged. i wasn't gonna incriminate myself.

"numerous students and staff witnessed you punch the other student multiple times" he said, i guess i was caught.

"yeah" was all i said.

"gustav this is not school appropriate behaviour" he scolded

"he called my girlfriend a whore" i reasoned.

"no matter what the cause was this wasn't acceptable behaviour. i will have to suspend you from school until the end of the week until further notice. you can see your teachers to get work for the week and go home. i will have to call home" he told me

"you do that" i stood up, walking out of the office. i didn't bother collecting any "homework", i just went straight home.

i called nova to update her on the situation, the call went to voicemail.

i'm in class!
what's up?

suspended until next week lol

tf did you do!!

punched bruno
a couple of times


he called you a whore

well i can't be that mad at h

come ooooverrr

i have to go to class today, we have a test coming up

ur so studious
ur smart
and sexy

i'll come over when school is done

okay baby

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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