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August 8, 20xx

To our dearest Ate Chichi,

Dada has to write this while you're sleeping in Mimi's arms. I am writing this while conversing with her, whispering about our favorite 'Ate Chi moments' and how much you have grown in the last 7 years. Mimi shed a tear or two, but she is happy. I couldn't shed a tear, was fighting to, just so this paper would not get smudged, but I am happy. Very much so.

Mimi and I have a lot to say that pieces of paper cannot accommodate. But I wanted to write something for you. Something you can look back to, in case you tend to forget.

You still love pancakes up until today. Before, you enjoyed them with maple syrup alone. You have recently taken to top them with chocolate chips and a scoop of ice cream on top. Chocolate mousse is still your favorite ice cream flavor, but you've lately grown fond of Mimi's favorite, butterscotch. You no longer wanted your hair to be short, you said you can't braid your hair on your own.

One thing's for sure: watching you learn is one of the finest highlights of my fatherhood. Another thing, I certainly love being the one to braid your hair, anak.

We see how deeply you care for everyone. You have such a strong yet tender heart that you will carry for a long time. I can tell it's in your nature to look after the people you love, even if you don't realize it yet. I am certainly familiar with that feeling.

So, Ate Chi, I believe that it is okay for you to offer majority of your time thinking about yourself, your own dreams and wonders. Mimi and Dada will be fine. Baby Bunso will be fine. I promise. Mimi and Dada will take care of Ate Chi and Baby Bunso. We're here to become Ate Chi and Baby Bunso's emotional support, not the other way around. I am sure by the time you will be reading this, you'd be able to understand.

I hope that as Ate Chi grows older, she will maximize the capacity of her heart's desires. When she's about to say she doesn't require much, I hope she remembers that she's capable of having all the great things the world could offer. If there's questions, she doesn't have to think twice asking anyone in the room. If she finds it difficult to peel fruits, she should not hesitate to seek assistance. I am hoping she won't limit herself.

And I am hoping her name won't be at the bottom list of those she prioritizes. It should always be on top. Remember that, anak.

Today is your birthday, Chicago. You are heavily asleep on Mimi's lap, unaware that when you wake up, you will experience the happiest 7th birthday on Earth. Mahal ka namin, ate. You and Baby Bunso are Mimi and Dada's best breathing things in this world.

Time will come that you have to do it all alone. You will figure things out all by yourself, will be brave through it all, and kind and grateful. You may find yourself doing everything with love, and you will find us just right behind you. We will never leave.

Baby Bunso, Mimi, and Dada


with love, sibs! 🌤🏠💐

3:09 PM

We just finished framing Chi's drawing. 🥹
Kuyaaa @Aldrine pa-help
sa pag-mount sa wall if
wala u ginagawa !

Flowers, Clouds, and Everything in BetweenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon