Chapter 8

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When Maya arrived home she laid in her bed smiling when she remembered about the letter that was inside of the Flowers bouquet. Maya took the letter and started reading. "What I feel for you is different I never felt something like this before....tomorrow instead of going to school meet me at the central Park :)". After reading the letter mile smiled and started melting on the inside she was so happy that he liked her back, but she worried a little bit about skipping school Maya couldn't stop thinking..."What does he want?" Maya made a tone of fake scenarios in her head, Maya fast called Vanessa telling about the letter, Vanessa decided to skip school as well to observe what happens at the Park, Maya got really excited and Vanessa as well. Vanessa started telling Maya where she would hide to observe her and Patrick, both couldn't stop talking when they noticed it was already 0:04 Am both decided to go sleep so tomorrow the day goes well.

(Tuesday, 17th September) Maya woke up at the usual school time so her mom doesn't find out about her skipping school, Maya knew she was already in trouble and that she shouldn't hide it from her mom but she didn't had any better option she knew her mom wouldn't allow her to skip school to meet some boy. Maya got ready and pretended to go to school, she walked to the central park and saw Vanessa, Maya waved at her. Vanessa was already behind the tree waiting for Patrick to come to Maya, Maya was really nervous. Maya noticed Patrick in her direction Maya smiled and got really nervous and a bit shy., she noticed that was holding something behind his back. "Hey...." when Patrick said that mile noticed a little blush on his face, she couldn't help but smile. "Hi, I read your letter so here am I" Maya smiled but she was really nervous. "So ahm...I wanted to ask you something." After Patrick mentioning he had to ask her something Maya got really nervous but she had hope on a good question. "I was wondering....if wanna be my girlfriend...." Patrick got really nervous but finally asked what he wanted to ask for a while now, he took a chocolate box and an One direction Album from behind his back. Maya blushed she didn't knew what to say she had never been in a relationship before but she couldn't say no to someone who got her an Album. "Ye....Yes" Patrick smiled at Maya and hugged her, when he had his arms around Maya Vanessa screamed and jumped out of happiness, she than suddenly realized that she had screamed. "Oh so I guess your friend was watching us" when Patrick said that Maya gave Vanessa the biggest side eye and laughed nervously. "Who cares? are you guys a couple now?" Maya was still giving her the biggest side eye,  "Yes we are" Maya blushed when Patrick answered to Vanessa's question and put his arms around her shoulder. "Can you let us alone for a bit?" when Patrick asked Vanessa for that she quickly walked away. "Of course....Maya tell me than everything!" Maya laughed but got nervous that he wanted to be alone with her, was he about to kiss her? Maya was really scared about what could happen next but she tried to keep it cool.  Suddenly Patrick took the Album and told Maya to open it, both walked to a near bench and Maya opened it carefully, Patrick couldn't stop noticing how happy Maya actually was. "Do you like it?" asked Patrick looking at her exploring the Album. "I love it!" Patrick smiled and wrapped his arms around her, Maya blushed and smiled. 

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