The Origins of Jet-Star's Missing Eye

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"There," Jet-Star pointed out, towards a whole hoard of Dracloids.
Dracloids where monsters who was the poor souls of innocent civilians of Battery City and fellow Zone Runners who had been permanently brainwashed.
And they where nothing but an annoyance

"Look at the ugly freaks," Party Poison laughed at the group of Dracloids, looking closely. They noticed two Zone Runners trying hard to fight them off.

"Ah for the love of.." they turned to Jet-Star, "you ready for a Firefight?" They grinned as the car skillfully skidded to a stop, the four preparing to get out.
"Can I come?" The Girl asked eagerly

"No," Jet replied softly.
"Please! I can help!" The Girl pleaded, looking towards Party, who also shook their head as the four rushed of, masks on and guns close.

In annoyance, The Girl watched as they fought the Dracloids, the young child pulling a face at them.
She hated being small and helpless. How many times had they gotten into trouble? All for her? She was supposed to be the one to save them all.

She watched as Kobra Kid, the youngest of the Fabulous Four, also the brother of Party Poison, hid behind a rock, preparing to shoot.
What he hadn't noticed was the Dracloid sneaking up behind him.

"Ah! No!" She screamed, rushing out, warning the Killjoy, "Behind you!"
"Bunny NO!" Party rushed towards The Girl, who, in her attempt to save her friend, hadn't noticed the Dracloid quickly advancing towards the innocent child.

"Watch out!" Jet warned, pushing away The Girl, getting between her and the dracloid as it lashed out it's gun, hitting the Killjoy in the face as he fell to the floor in shock

"Jet!" Party screamed, rushing over, shooting the dracloid straight in the chest, "Jet, Jet! Are you ok?"
"Ugh.." Jet got up with on hand, using the other to hold a bloody face.

"Party!" Fun Ghoul shouted over, "Take care of Jet, we'll sort these guys out," he stood back-to-back with Kobra, shooting as many Draclouds as they could.

"I know this is gonna sound stupid but... is it bad?" Jet laughed nervously, Party carefully removing his hand, gasping at what he saw.
Jet's eye was completely gone.

"Let's... get back to the Trans AM," Party offered a hand, leading him and The Girl back to the vehicle.
"Bunny," they addressed The Girl once inside, "Pass me that first-aid box"

The Girl swiftly obeyed, watching intensely from the passenger seat as Party got to work.
She knew for a fact Party wasn't exactly the careful type, it's normally the other way around, but they didn't seem to be doing a bad job.

"You ok bud? Not pressing to hard am I?" They questioned with concern as they cleaned the continuously bleeding wound.
"No.." Jet whispered as Party wrapped a rather large bandage around the eye, going other his head.

"You'll be fine" Party put a hand on the his shoulder, "Your right eye however.."
"Oh... I liked that eye.." Jet simply put, before laughing, Party joining in. Sometimes, when you lived in The Zones, you had to just laugh if you lost a body part.
After a while, Party opened the door, going to help finish the firefight off.

"Party.." Jet grabbed their arm, "Please be careful."
"Okay mom" Party laughed, before smiling, "Ain't I always?"

"No," Jet deadpanned as Party shut the door, the Killjoy turning to The Girl, who looked at him with guilt and worry.
"You want some music in or.."

"I didn't mean to!" She suddenly started sobbing, "I-I-I didn't mean to get in the way!"
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jet tried to comfort her, "Really, I could barely see anyway! Besides, I've still got the other one!"

This only made matters worse, as The Girl had not yet realized that he'd actually lost an eye.
"I should have just stayed in the car like you said!" She cried, tears soaking her freckled face.

"You still saved Kobra though, didn't you?" Jet smiled, The Girl stopping.
"I think you did a good job kid" he held his fist out for the child to fist-bump, and she did so hesitantly.

It wasn't long until the trio had cleared of the Dracloids and the Zone Heroes was returning back to what they called home, an old rusty diner.

"Oh what in the name of Destoya happened out there?" Dr Death greeted, eyes laying on Jet's injury.
Dr. Death was a DJ, who ran a radio station warning Zone Runners of nearby danger. That's how the Fab Four knew about the clap nearby.

"Had a bit of a Black Dragon Fighting Society" Party confirmed, putting a hand on Jet's shoulder, "I personally patched him up, but I think he might need stitches,"

The Girl gasped, crying again. She new how painful stitches where without any painkillers.
"Come on then," Death sighed, leading the Killjoy into one of the back rooms, leaving the other three to try to console the child.
"It's okay," Party hugged her slightly, "He's going to be okay now." They let The Girl cry into their jacket, getting the sleeve wet in tears and snot in the process.

Eventually, she drew away, wiping her nose on her sleeve.
"Better now?" They asked, The Girl nodding slightly.


About half an hour later, Jet walked back into the room, making a beeline straight for one of the booths.
"Good, now rest" Death instructed, getting his keys.
"I'm heading out with Show Pony to go get some meds. Now, watch over Motorbaby and Jet"

"Yes sir" Party mockingly held a hand to their head, earning a wack on the head from Show Pony as she walked past.
"Hey!" They protested. Pony, for some reason, had a hatred for them.
They creeped Party out. He always wore her helmet, had literally never taken it off. Yet, they could still feel him intensely staring, watching their every move.

After they left, Party turned to Jet "You heard him. Rest, doctor's orders" he smirked, much to Jet's annoyance.
This was the first time Jet had been able to actually sit and think about what had just happened. He'd actually lost an eye.

He always knew something like this would happen to one of them, being the Fabulous Four.
He just didn't think it would be him, the most careful of them.
No, shit like this always happens to Party Poison.

But hey, at least The Girl was safe. That was what they was here to do, protect her. Protect her from the evil that was known as Battery City. Until she was old enough to figure out how it was she was the savior of them all.

Or so the 'Prophecy' foretold.

Watching her, she was currently sat on the floor, playing with some old dolls alongside Party.
Out of all the Killjoys, Party was the one to have a special connection to The Girl.

Whenever she was excited, they'd be the first to here it.
When she was sad, they'd be the one they'd go to for comfort.

And Party didn't mind. They didn't mind playing her games. Even if sitting on the floor caused them pain. Said something along the lines of 'Bunny doesn't deserve this. She should have a normal childhood, with a home, and a family, and friends. And normal food'

Jet sighed, settling into the seat. Night was falling, and soon it would be as cold as it could get. Which meant Death would probably stay at Cherri Cola's, another DJ that warned of the dangers in the zones.

A sudden WHAM on the table next to him alerted him out of his thoughts, looking to find a tin of Power Pup, with Kobra stood there grinning.
"Eat up. You need to build your strength up" he said with sass like no other, Jet grimacing.

One day, they wouldn't have to eat this shit. One day, they could drive around safely. One day, The Girl would get a childhood. Ghoul will get to open his dream comic book shop. Party would get proper help for their chronic pain.

He promised himself that he would keep them all safe until then.

I promise

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