Peaches, Scars, and Val Velocity

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Jet-Star seemed to be recovering, to everyone's relief.
He'd even managed to get of his bed and walk to the kitchen for some coffee.

The Kobra Kid was sat at one of the booths with Party Poison, watching The Girl play on the floor.
Jet wasn't sure what had happened to Party, but they seemed completely out of it, with injuries all over their body, the most noticeable being their upper left arm wrapped in heavy bandages.
Of course everyone was curious, but every time you asked what happened, Kobra would stick a middle finger in your face.

"Gonna go get the AM with Ghoul today," He heard Kobra explain the their sibling.
"Kay" was the answer they got.

Clearly Party had been through something traumatic, and Jet felt a bit guilty for it. They had gone for medication for them after all
"Morning peoples" Fun Ghoul walked in from the rooms, smiling at Kobra, "You ready to go?"
"Yeah," he turned to Jet, "Cherri's here if you need anything" he explained.

Cherri Cola had decided to stay the night, with it being late and having no transportation to get back to his Radio Shack.

The two left, going on Kobra's motorcycle, leaving Jet and Party both watching The Girl as she played with some old dolls.
"You want some food?" Jet croaked, the child turning and nodding enthusiastically.

He reached into one of the cupboards, pulling out a box of cereal.
Real food was hard to come across in The Zones, so whatever they did find was generally kept aside for The Girl.

Pouring it, he walked over to the table and placed it there, The Girl climbing onto the couch.
He also put a cup of coffee in front of Party, who looked up in surprise.
"You look like you need it," he smiled, Party returning it.

Jet returned to the kitchen, looking for a Power-Pup.
"No," Party stated, Jet turning in surprise, "There's canned fruit for you,"

"Oh," Jet was caught by surprise. It was rare there was canned fruit, and if there was, Jet usually went without.
But sure enough, in with the cans and cans of Power Pups, was a can of peaches.

"You want some?" Jet offered, but Party seemed disgusted by the idea, "Ok then"
Jet poured the peaches into a bowl and brought his coffee over to the booth, sitting opposite of Party.

"How are you?"
"Meh," they shrugged, shying away, "You?"
"Been better," he laughed, before pointing to his face, "But this is healing well, Death said I should be able to take the dressings of in a few days," he continued to laugh, "I need an eyepatch to cover it though, it's left a real ugly scar."

"Scars don't make you ugly" Party stated, Jet smiling a little.
"I guess not," he shrugged, watching The Girl play.
The next minutes went by in silence, before Cherri walked through the doors.

"Oh good morning you lot." He smiled, walking to the kitchen for some food, "Whatcha got here?" He joked
"Just Power-Pups" Party continued to talk in a monotone voice, despite it being clear that Cherri was being sarcastic
Heck, even Jet could tell he was being sarcastic.

"Death's coming back here to check on you both," Cherri informed the two, Jet nodding in understandment.


A few hours later, the Doctor did arrive, sighing as he laid eyes on the two crashed in the booth.
"Who's going first?" Death joked, before looking Party in the eyes, "Come on you,"

Party complained before standing up, following Death.

"How you feeling kid?" He asked as Party shut the door behind them.
"Like I got bit by a FUCKING Vampire," they spat, Death's brows creasing.
"That's not like you to swear out loud. Hope you're not doing it around Motorbaby"

"Only Ghoul" Party smirked, "And Jet's never all to happy."
Death laughed at that, unwrapping the dressings covering the two pierced holes in Party's arm.

"Will I turn into a Vampire now?" Party questioned, serious.
"No no," Death continued to chuckle, "You'll just be pale, tried, and lethargic for the next few weeks" he thought for a bit, "Oh yeah, and the wounds will scar"

"Nice" Party laughed. But that reminded them of what Jet had said earlier.
"Death, why is Jet insecure about scars?"

Death seemed to hesitate.
"Well, I've known Jet for a long time, and I know he has his reasons. Maybe ask him. Who knows? You might find some similarities between you two," he said with mystery.
"But Party," he sternly warned while applying some more sprays to their wound, "Just don't ask him to much, ok? Jet.. doesn't do well under pressure"

"Got it," they acknowledged as Death wrapped their arm back up, before walking back into the diner to let Jet know that he was ready for him now.

But instead, he found a scowling face sat by him, turning to scowl even more at them.
"Val Velocity" Party scowled back.

"Jet, Death want you now," Party smiled, Jet nodding gratefully, rushing into the back rooms.

"Listen here Val," Party got down to his level, "You can come for me all you want, but you leave my teammates alone. ESPECIALLY Jet. He's really sensitive,"

"I know," Val laughed meanly, "That's what makes picking on him so fun. The desert's not for the weak, Knuckles Hair."
Party scowled more at the snarky nickname, Val mocking being deep in thought.

"Say, what happened to Frizzy's eye anyway?" He laughed, "Pretty sure there used to be two there"
"We just had a little incident, that's all." Party informed, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Need some coffee," Val snorted, "The old man said you had some here,"
"Yeah, it's up there," Party watched as the younger teen grabbed a few containers, "Now will you fuck off?"

"Oh temper," Val teased, "Ok. I know where I'm not wanted. Laters," and with that, he left without another sound.

"Party?" The Girl questioned from the ground, "What does 'fuck' mean? Ghoul says it all the time."
Party did a double take, checking for Jet or Death.

"Listen here Bunny. Don't ever repeat that word again. I'm very.  VERY. Bad for saying it"
"Saying what?" Death wheeled through the door, Party raising a 'don't you dare' eyebrow at The Girl, who smiled sweetly.

"Fuck" she said in a even sweeter tone, Death looking angry at them.

"What did I tell you?"

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