Wow...what a scene...

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Having ran in the direction the sounds came from he passed alot of adventurers, some of them were easily killing the Goblins and others, well...they weren't doing to hot.

He decided to stop by and help a few of them kill some Goblins.


"Wow, 7 down, 4 more to go."

He slashed and stabbed Goblin after Goblin until, there were none in sight.

Meanwhile the other adventurers been looking at him and silently cried.

"How come some rookie is stronger than  us?!"

One cried.


Deciding to ignore them and just take off in the direction he was originally heading in.

He had then arrived at a Weird, and disgusting sight.
He saw two Goblins touching tips.


After hearing him approach they slowly stopped touching tips and slowly turned towards him, they then charged at him.

He was to traumatized to fight back with his sword, so once again put of instinct a huge piller of ice came from the floor beneath them and lifted them up to the roof, the force of the collision was seen and heard when cracks and splatter noises were heard. The ice piller disappeared and all that remained were two stones.

Luckily he knew after being informed that these stones were exchangeable for Vali's  otherwise he would've thrown it away.

After, Deciding he had hunted enough first floor monsters he decided to desend and made it to floor 6, his definitely earned skills easily took him that far, he could perhaps go even further, but that wasn't the problem, he had realized that, his Hp was lacking, almost one hit from any of the monsters he was currently facing and it would be game over.

So he decided to go home.

When he reached the guild he just simply asked where he could exchange the crystals and exchanged them.

11 000 Vali's earned, has been put in inventory

"This thing got an inventory?!"

He mentally smirked and had the sudden idea, he really thought that one kid looked like a bunny, and he likes bunnies so why not kidnap him and try and see if he can keep him in the inventory as a pet?

After all, after how he was treated at the Hostess of Fertility he might want someone who actually cares.

He mentally smiled before it disappeared.

"Holy shit...I'm going APE shit..."

He mentally waved off those ideas and went on his merry way, he crossed a few stalls and used his earned Vali's to buy some things he liked.

~Twilight Manor.~

"Captain! He's back!"

A woman had just told Fin that Y/n had returned, after all he had asked her to tell him.

Y/n having just walked in after obliterating Goblins and coming back was surprised at the sudden shout, that was until Fin had came down from his study? Room? Idk.

"Y/n, it's good to see you."

"I guess it's good to see you to?"

"So Y/n to congratulate you on joining the Familia, me and some of the others were going to the Hostess of Fertility tonight would you like to join?"

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