Part 10

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The doorbell rings, I begin to panic but remember it's her that's been avoiding me, she should be panicking.

Mother made sure it was a formal dinner so she had the outside table set up as it's spring time and beautiful outside, the flowers are blossoming and the heat is perfect for dining outside.

The chefs have been booked last minute so hopefully the food is nice.

Quickly I unbutton my top two buttons showing my chest a little bit, not that it will hurt anyone.

Quickly I unbutton my top two buttons showing my chest a little bit, not that it will hurt anyone

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Bridget Gracia enters first, then Andrew Gracia follows his wife. I see no sign of Liliana maybe she just didn't show.

"Lovely to see you again Issac! I remember when you were smaller than me." Andrew let's out a noise that sounds like a dying cat bless him.

Bridget pulls me into a hug as Ana shakes Andrew's hand.

Something dark green pops into the corner of my eye then orange follows, Liliana appears in the doorway with two cases of what looks like her paintings behind her on the trolley.

She carefully rolls them in with her head high staring into my soul with a disgust look on her face.

Nice to know she still hates me.

"There she is. Hey lovely lady! How have you been?" My mother squeezes Liliana tightly but she doesn't take her eyes off me the whole time.

"I'm doing great thank you so much for asking, how about yourself?" Lilliana and my mother drift off into conversation and Ana decides to show the Gracia's the garden. Leaving me here twiddling my thumbs.

"—Yeah Issac has been missing you like crazy but I told him you must be very busy." My name gets mentioned and I'm immediately alert and paying attention to the conversation again.

"Mum, please can I speak to Liliana alone?" My mother nods then proceeds to grab a few glasses for Liliana's grandparents. Walking away.

"Have you brought me a present darling?" I nod towards the painting boxes behind her. Testing what mood she's in, no matter what it won't be a good one.

"As a matter of fact, yes but maybe we should get this dinner over with first. I'm sure you are aware I wouldn't be here if I had the choice."

I keep quiet letting her have a little rant.

"—if it was up to me I'd move you to a different state, no sorry country. Actually why don't we just banish you from earth because all you do is use girls for sex." Liliana steps forward towards me and as soon as her pointer finger touches my chest flames ignite in body.

"Sorry am I interrupting?" Ana ruins everything as always because Lil removes her touch from me and steps away apologising to my sister. "Don't apologise on my behalf if anything I'm sorry I stopped you from ripping his head off. Please continue but preferably after dinner because mother might kill me if I come back without you both." Anastasia smiles towards Liliana then turns to me and flips me off still with the smile on her face but it's faker.

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