Part 15

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How did I get into this mess? I've just told Issac's sister I slept with her brother. Beth is literally shaking in excitement.

"Tell us everything." She exclaims still shaking. This can't end well.

"Maybe not everything..." Ana adds.

As I begin to tell the girls how and what happened Beth pulls out the vodka and swigs before handing it to Ana who takes an even bigger gulp.

"Then he carried me to my room and yeah." I finished taking the bottle of vodka, reach my hand to hold me hair out of my face then drinking.

"Did he make you—"

"—please god no, I don't want to hear about my brother making women— please no."

I burst into laughter nodding my head at Beth while Ana grimaces.

"I'm so— sorry Ana." Me and Beth are still laughing and Ana is dramatically sliding off my bed groaning.

Once we all compose ourselves we have a few more shots before moving on from Issac. Cos god I don't need to be focusing on him tonight.

"So Ana how's your sex life?"

I've never seen someone go so red before, Ana looks like a tomato right now so it's either really good or terrible like mine.

"Non existent." She sips her drink waiting for our reactions to that statement.

"You are a virgin!?" Elizabeth grasps Ana's hands practically screaming.

She nods while Beth is still screaming.

"Well, with a male I'm a virgin. Female on the other hand, I had a one night thing, sorry two night thing with a girl and we messed around but my virginity is still in tact. It's embarrassing really but I don't mind."

I love how confident she is about it. Beth on the other hand is shocked.

"Beth darling you have no right to judge you slept with my brother." I pat her on the shoulder trying to keep composure, but failing as usual so I burst out in laughter.

"Why is everyone sleeping with everyone's brothers?" Ana says taking a drink. "Beth hook me up with Elijah that way we can all be related in the future."

None of us can keep a straight face, mostly due to the vodka but we just find ourselves too funny.

"You and Elijah would be so cute." I say smiling into my drink. Ana side eyes me because she told me about the flower shop incident and how she totally has a thing for him.

After a few more drinks we decide to get ready for the night, we are only going to a small bar but we want to look good, I chose a blue dress that shows a little cleavage but I was blessed with an arse and unfortunately my boobs could use a little work.

Beth and Ana though, Beth has the boobs most girls would dream of. And Ana has the thighs of a fucking goddess.

Women make me question my sexuality daily.

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