Bonus Chapter

111 2 21


"Come on sweetheart, put your shoes on for daddy." Amelie sighs shaking her dark black hair.

"I want mummy help me day." Amelie sticks her tongue out at me laughing. This kid of mine is hard work.

"Mummy is heavily pregnant with your twin brothers, she can't help you. She can barely help herself. Now come and put your shoes on so we can go visit Auntie An An." Amelie refuses to call Ana by her name so we have to say 'An An.'

"That mean." My child just smacked my arm for being rude about her mother. I taught her well.

My 1 year old daughter just hit me. I-

"Where's my baby?" Liliana walks in the room wearing a short green dress with a white blouse over the top. Pregnant belly on full show, fucking beautiful.

 Pregnant belly on full show, fucking beautiful

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"Park. Park." As you can tell my daughter knows what the park is now. I have to remind her that we aren't going to the park today.

"Amelie sweetheart we are going to meet your little brothers today." Liliana holds a car seat in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

"Put that down Lil, I told you I'd get it." Setting Amelie on the sofa I run over to Lil and grab the car seat from her hand instantly. "Watch Elle and I'll be back once I've put both car seats in the car ready."

Ana is on her way over with Elijah to babysit Amelie while Liliana has the babies. Because they are definitely coming today.

I'm going to be a dad of 3 at 29 years old. That's crazy.

"Push baby you can do it!" I'm holding Lil's hand trying not to pass the fuck out. Baby boy number 1 is out but there's apparently complications with the umbilical cord for baby boy 2.

"Fuckkkkkk. Issac. Is he okay?" I know she's asking about our baby boy getting wiped down.

"Yeah everything is good with him, focus on baby 2 and yourself darling." I say squeezing her hand.

Eventually everything is over and me and Liliana are holding one baby each. She's recovering well.

Amelie saunters in with Ana and Elijah, of course Ana is the first to steal one of the boys and then Elijah steals the other off Liliana.

"Have you picked names?" Elijah asks.

"Elijah, you are holding Austin and Ana you are holding Aspen. We stuck with the A names." Liliana smiles resting her head back on the chair.

"Oh my they are beautiful names, they look so different." Ana says, looking over to Elijah. And she's right. Austin has a thick head of red hair like his mother and Aspen has a thin head of black curls like me and Amelie.

"Of course you love babies Tulip." Elijah nods at Ana.

"Hey, what's with the tulip anyway? You never call Ana anything else." I ask.

"Oh, nothing don't worry." Ana quickly says.

That, I don't believe. It's been going on for a year now. What is going on between them two?


Hmmm I wonder.

Thank you for reading <3

Thank you for reading <3

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