a messed up end of the world 2.

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Until now, the end of the world has always been between Heaven and Hell.

However, Metatron's plan promised something completely different. Misleading Aziraphale thought he had achieved his goal and had the angel so close to him that he would not even obey God's command.

Of course, he knew that there was one person who could stop him perfectly in his plan, and that person was none other than Crowley.

So he made a very big decision, which had extreme consequences.

When the voice of God filled all Heaven, it was not a tiny murmur about a tiny mistake in The Big Book but it was a huge problem that our two lovers had to deal with.

Namely at a fatal price.

Crowley and Aziraphale sensed that something was wrong, the white corridor was too flooded with angels. Everyone was there, so Crowley was quickly noticed.

They whispered unpleasantly to each other and were absolutely sure that this murmur was the work of the demon.

Poor Crowley knew nothing about it all, he just wanted to be with his angel...

Metatron also arrived then.
To Crowley's delight.

The demon received the supreme power after God like someone who had a bad bean stew at lunch.

Nausea avoided him and a grimace appeared on his face, which caused his angel standing next to him to laugh involuntarily.

Crowley shuddered and started towards Metatron as if he could immediately tear his celestial body to pieces.

"Crowley, come back." he whispered, then grabbed the demon's shoulder and pulled him back to him.

Just in time, as Metatron reached them. As soon as he noticed Crowley from a distance, he felt that this was going to get better and better, especially because his plan was going very well.

God's unbridled anger started when Crowley's name was crossed out in The Big Book.
Which directly stated his law.

"If someone is pulled out of The Big Book, their fate is sealed. Immediate execution awaits them, they will burn in the Fire of Hell. If the demon in question resides in the case of death by Holy Water. Thus, they will also be erased from the Book of Life forever."

Yes, but this was a completely different situation. After all, Crowley used to be an angel and became a demon. The Holy Water had already been tried, it had no effect on him, the Fire of Hell is obviously not.

However, this was not the big problem, but the fact that only one person can extract the names from both The Big Book and The Book of Life. And that is none other than God herself.

So the question is, how is it possible that Crowley's name was crossed out?
If not God, then who did it?

Metatron was in a very amused mood.
He greeted Crowley quite kindly and even bowed slightly to the demon.

However, the demon did not reciprocate, in fact, all his strength was on not jumping into his throat in an instant. One person held him back from this act, and that was Aziraphale.

"So what brought you here our little curious demon to angel land?" he humored.

Crowley raised an eyebrow.
He made up his mind to speak to Metatron, but Aziraphale held him back so much that he preferred not to speak at all. He waited in silence for developments.

No one knew what happened, suddenly all the angels were in one place and they were waiting for something. They didn't know what. They only received one call, but from whom and about what, they had no idea.

Crowley was getting annoyed that no one was saying anything. He began to lose control over himself and in this long time even Aziraphale could not hold back the wavering demon.

He was about to speak when the white corridor was suddenly flooded with light. It was as if a spark from heaven had struck, but only a scroll raced down from above, all the way to Crowley's feet.

Hitting the toe of his shoe, the demon didn't wait a second to pick it up from the floor and open the scroll that contained the message.

"Demon Crowley, I hereby authorize you with a task. Soon we will encounter huge problems, angels and demons, but if this is not enough, then humanity is also will be destroyed. I have to entrust this honorable task to someone who I know will do it no matter what the cost. Crowley, I know you are angry about the exile, but I think you have learned from your mistake and that if you had the chance to change the order of things again, you would do it. If not for yourself, but for your partner. I know what's going on between you and him and I rarely say this, but I support this. But I won't drag it any further, I have to do something against the rebellion, which is now repeating history again and angels are about to fall again. I need you, but first you need to know something. Metatron managed to draw you from both books in some source of power. I don't know how it happened either, but it's a fatal mistake, for which he will suffer. However, no one can know this, otherwise you won't be in our circles for a long time either. You can only ask for Aziraphale's help, you can't trust anyone else! I ask you in this order to forget our past and forgiving for the things you did, let's unite forces and face the real evil!"

Crowley could not spit or swallow while reading the scroll. He was overwhelmed by the long lines, he remembered his wings burning with pain and for the day when he falled.

Leaving his angelic nature behind, he was banished to Hell after asking a few questions.

He was angry, but he knew that now the task was more important than anything else, which, even if it was very difficult to accept, he did, because not just his life, but the fate of Aziraphale and humanity depended on his decision.

God spoke to him.
So many millennia of waiting, the time of waiting for an angelic existence, wasted in one small scroll that reeked of the smell of forgiveness.

He felt cheated.
To his own feeling heart.
Which shouldn't have been.
Yet there it throbbed deeply and grew bigger and bigger, in the belief that good still exists in Heaven.

What he believed to be nothing, after so much thinking, questioning and pain, finally existed.

Crowley began to believe in Heaven, which he said he never would.

He couldn't believe God's words, but he believed that removing Metatron simply required teaming up.

It is not for nothing that they say that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

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