Chapter 1: The Past Year

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Hermione sat at her desk and stared at the photograph of her and Ron at Bill and Fleur's wedding that sat on her desk. The war had ended a year ago and Hermione had just begun to feel her life settle down. People had finally stopped asking her to share stories of her adventures with The Boy Who Lived and relive the final battle in exact detail. The Daily Prophet had stopped their weekly updates on her life. She felt at peace after living in fight or flight for years, constantly worried about everyone in her life. 

After she had taken her NEWTS, she had taken a job at the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. In her interview she had mentioned wanting to eventually create her own department fighting for the rights of underprivileged magical creatures. She had spoken on S.P.E.W and the work she did while a student at Hogwarts. The Department Head, Margie Portchester, who interviewed her, had ignored most of what she had said. Instead, she was curious what fighting Voldemort entailed and how she had managed to stay off of the radar. She offered Hermione her own department and had made her feel like a puppet. Only useful until the story was told, than thrown to the side. Hermione hated nothing more than being given things that she did not deserve for fighting a battle she felt she had no choice but to join. She wanted to be seen for more than that. However, she felt that she would not receive impartial treatment anywhere she went so she took the job. 

It had been the same for Ron and Harry. Harry was used to it and was able to navigate the fame easier than Hermione. Ron being the sixth child loved this newfound attention that he was receiving. They had both taken jobs as Aurors that Kingsley Shacklebolt had offered them. Harry thrived under the pressure that being an Auror brought. His whole life leading him to be an incredible wizard under pressure but Ron struggled. The trauma of the war weighed heavily on his shoulders. Harry had covered for Ron on several occasions but Hermione knew that Ron needed more than that to maintain his job. Harry and Ginny were still together, they lived in a flat in Diagon Alley around the corner from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Ginny was a chaser on the Hollyhead Harpies. Hermione told her that she had never cared about Quidditch more than when she watched Ginny play. Ron had grumbled that he could play Quidditch too, but Hermione had ignored that. Ron lived next door to Harry and Ginny. Harry was thrilled but Ginny felt that it was too soon to live that close to her brother again. Hermione had thought about moving in with Ron, but after living in a tent for a year with two other people who were irritable a third of the time, she had decided she wanted to be on her own for a while; although she also lived in Diagon Alley, however she was above Flourish and Blotts. This suited her well because she could pick up a new book and head to the bakery next door to get started on it. 

She had kept in touch with Neville who was the Herbology professor now through letter writing and a visit occasionally to Hogwarts. While she was there, she would see Hagrid, who continued his post as the Gameskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures professor, and Professor McGonagall, the headmaster after the passing of Professor Snape. Hagrid would smile ear to ear when she would update him on her job. He would tell her that he was proud of the good work she was doing. Professor McGonagall, who always told Hermione to call her Minerva which she always declined, would encourage Hermione to run for Minister of Magic. Hermione had begun to see Hagrid and Professor McGonagall as family now that she had no parents. 

She had attempted to return her parents' memories but it had not worked. The greatest witch of her time couldn't give her parents the memory of herself back. She'd visit under the guise of their new neighbor but it would never be the same. She hadn't even told Ron about attempting to fix what she had done. She was too ashamed at her failure and he had his own family issues. 

After the loss of Fred and the trauma of the war, Ron's family had begun to unwind. Molly was constantly crying and unable to continue her daily tasks. Percy had wanted to make up for his past mistakes and took care of her. Arthur spent all of his time at his office after being promoted to head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects. George rarely spent time with any members of the family because they all reminded him of Fred. He knew he would never have a bond with any of them like he did with his brother. Bill and Fleur had lost a baby to a miscarriage after the war. A bitter reminder of the permanent scars they all had. They had remained at Shell Cottage and visited often but a sadness surrounded Fleur that had not healed. Charlie worked in Russia and was a lovely addition at the previous Christmas. Ginny was the only one who seemed the same after the war but Hermione often wondered if she was hiding her struggles to keep the peace. 

A knock on the door interrupted Hermione's train of thought. 

"Yes?" she asked peering at the door. With that, Luna Lovegood opened the door with a big smile on her face.

"Still here?" she quipped "You're always working. It's not good for you. Worse than Nargles!" She let out a dreamy laugh. 

Hermione had hired Luna when she started the new department, which she had called the Committee to Liberate and Empower Magical Creatures. Hermione had struggled to understand Luna while they were at school together. However, if one thing was clear to Hermione, Luna loved magical creatures. To be honest, Hermione knew she could trust Luna and she knew that Luna wouldn't treat her like an oddity at a sideshow after the war. Luna was more than a suitable fit for the job and she was much better at dealing with people than Hermione was. Luna had an ability to set boundaries without getting frustrated or annoyed, something Hermione was still learning. 

"I know I know" Hermione grinned, "I'm on my way home now to have dinner with Ron. I'll see you tomorrow." Luna waved then bounced away with her long, blonde curls trailing not far behind. Hermione packed up and headed out the door. 

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