Chapter 5: A Deal is a Deal

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Despite the conversation Harry and Hermione had on Saturday, she still found herself missing Ron. She knew that she shouldn't but all she could think of was the 16-year-old version of herself who had no one. Sitting and waiting for Ron to notice her. No one had ever truly been interested in her. Krum may have asked her out but he didn't know the real her. He only saw what he wanted to see. Maybe that was the problem. Ron had seen the real her and it wasn't enough. 

Hermione picked up the phone and waited for sound of the receiver on the other end to pick up.

"Hello? This better be a bloody emergency it's 7:30 AM..." 

Hermione held her breath unsure of what to say.

"Mum? Are you trying to use the phone again?" Ron grumbled into the phone.

"No it's uh... it's me" she faltered trying to gain the courage she needed for this conversation.

"Oh. Hermione. Hi." He was short when he spoke. Hermione could feel that he did not want to speak with her at this moment.  

"Yeah it's me. I guess I just wanted to see how you were." 

"Tired" he responded grumpily.

Hermione took a deep breath and nervously said, "Yeah sorry about that. I was wondering if we could meet up later and talk... you know... about us." 

She waited patiently for his response.

"Uh yeah sure. I'll apparate to yours when I'm off of work." 

"Ok sounds good."

"Great well I'm going to go back to bed. See ya." Ron hung up the phone. 

Hermione started to get ready for work feeling lighter than she had felt before the call. Maybe he would want to be with her after all. She tried to ignore the puffiness in her face from crying all night as she washed her face. She hoped it would subside before she talked with Ron. Maybe if she was prettier he would do anything to be with her. 

When she arrived at work she sat at her desk and looked through her agenda. She had to prepare for a meeting with Firenze regarding treatment by the Ministry during the war tomorrow. She had met Firenze her 5th year at Hogwarts after he took over Professor Trelawney position when Umbridge had fired her. She liked him much more than Trelawney since he used logic in his practices. There was a knock on the door.

"Luna" Hermione stated, "I need an hour to get through this file without interruptions." 

The door opened, Hermione looked up expecting to see Luna but, however, was proven wrong. 

"I believe we had a deal."

It was Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face. Hermione had completely forgotten about their agreement.

"I'm beginning to suspect you forgot about our little deal" he said nonchalantly leaning against the door pretending to be offended. Hermione felt herself blush, this wasn't like her. 

"No I-" she tried to find some reason to her shocked appearance but with fail went on, "Well... yes I did forget. I'm sorry but please sit." She gestured to a corner of her office with a couch and table. 

She waved her wand and filled a pot with water before heating it up. It floated to the coffee table with 2 teacups and an assortment of tea bags. Hermione walked over and sat on the couch. Draco watched her as she moved across the room before sitting next to her. She had never realized how small the couch was. His knee grazed hers as he selected earl grey for his cup of tea. She blushed at the fragment of intimacy that she would have never imagined having with Malfoy while she chose jasmine tea. 

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