Chapter 8: The Daily Prophet

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"Are you fucking kidding me Hermione?"

Hermione awoke to see a figure standing above her bed. She turned on the lamp next to her bed. The figure showed to be Ron holding a copy of the Daily Prophet looking angry. 

"What?" Hermione rubbed her eyes confused at why the Daily Prophet was causing a scene in the middle of the night. 

"I see this on the stands as I'm coming home from the bar," he seethed, cheeks red with his white hot anger, "Now I'm the fucking laughing stock of the wizarding world." 

He threw the Daily Prophet down onto the bed and there in a big headline that read, DRACO MALFOY AND HERMIONE GRANGER: FRIEND OR FOE? 

"It-" Hermione mumbled, "It's nothing Ron. They're just commenting on our sudden change from being on opposite sides during the war."

"Read it" he demanded. 

She turned to the page of the article and there was a moving picture of Malfoy walking Hermione out of the room. The article went on to say,

It appears Draco Malfoy has shifted his interest away from Astoria Greengrass. The son of former Death Eater, Lucius Malfoy, has formed a new relationship with the Muggle Born and ally to Harry Potter, Hermione Granger. In a recent interview they explain about a movement they have started to educate the Wizarding World about muggles. However, there seemed to be more under the surface. Mr. Malfoy raved about Ms. Granger throughout the interview. He went on to speak on her character when he said, "She is the brightest witch of our generation and I have had the pleasure of watching Hermione." Later in the interview Mr. Malfoy continued, "She is kind, she is thoughtful... She is exactly what I need." When asked about her relationship with Ronald Weasley, Ms. Granger seemed unsure of what to say. Mr. Malfoy quickly ended the meeting and left the room with Ms. Granger in his arms. Their relationship has not always been so cordial, as we dive deeper into the history of their relationship we can get a true understanding at how shocking this pairing is...

Hermione stopped reading feeling shocked at the audacity of Betty Braithwaite. She started to cry but quickly wiped the tears off of her face.

"Ron..." she protested, "This isn't true. She took all of Malfoy's quotes and put them out of context. He was only speaking about me as an addition to the campaign I promise."

"And the picture?" he questioned.

"She just kept asking me questions about the war and about you and about me," she blubbered, "And I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do and Malfoy just removed me from the situation." 

"The brightest witch of our generation didn't know what to do" he deadpanned softly. 

"I-" she faltered, "I'm sorry Ron." She felt the tears hit her hands that were folded in her lap. Her lip was quivering as she looked to Ron for the reaction she was expecting. 


She looked at her fingers that were picking at the back of her hand. She felt numb to his volume and knew this was coming. 


"It's not like that Ron" Hermione pleaded, "I'm in love with you. He means nothing."

"Fuck you. Don't talk to me ever again." Ron responded before apparating out of her apartment. 

She began to sob loudly in her bed. 

"Why am I like this?" she bawled, speaking out loud to herself, "I'm so tired of this. Why can't I just be a good girlfriend?" 

She spent the rest of the night crying into her pillow and holding Crookshanks close to her heart hoping the pain would melt away. 

The next day she called out of work sick. She knew people would be suspicious of her absence after the article but she felt hollow. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was puffy after the hours of begging for this heartbreak to end. She was waiting for the sadness to be replaced with anger but it had not come yet. 

That evening she picked up the phone and dialed, 


"Hi Harry" she sighed, trying to keep it together.

"Oh! Hermione! Luna said you were out sick is everything okay?" 

"I'm okay thanks for asking," she responded, "I'm just calling to let you know that Ron will not be attending tomorrow so don't bother to invite him." 

"Oh..." Harry uttered, "What happened?" 

Hermione felt tears spring to her eyes at the thought of having to answer that question.

"Hey... uh... Harry?" she asked.


"I actually have something in the oven so I have to go" she lied poorly. 

"Oh... okay" Harry responded slowly.

"But I'll see you tomorrow!" she added trying to sound cheerful. 

"Yeah I'll see you there."

"Bye Harry."

"Bye Hermione."

Hermione hung up and rested her head in her hands. What a stupid lie she thought. No one in their right mind would ever believe that. She would have to practice her answer for why Ron wasn't there before the dinner tomorrow. At least it'll just be Harry and Ginny she thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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