Chapter 1

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I secretly dug my fingernails into my leg through the thick fabrics of my dress to try and keep myself awake. The air was thick with humidity and a soft breeze was coming in through an open window so all I could smell was the rich perfume of the jasmine that climbed up to the second story window of the council chambers. A stray strand of hair tickled my cheek. I was so close to sleep.

My father was going on his second hour straight of speaking to the council about his upcoming royal ceremonies, construction requests from local farmers, and knight operations. I usually was attentive during these reports, but I'd barely slept last night due to the blood moon celebration I'd led with my handmaidens last night.

I smiled at the memory and turned my attention back to my father as his first advisor finally broke the monologue that was seconds away from sending me into a slumber.

"King Mage Lidron, those are all very real concerns I agree, but the people of the kingdom, any I would group myself in with them, are most concerned about the breaks in the border and frankly my blood is chilled at what I saw on my last perusal of the magika reserves. My King, it was nearly depleted..." she nearly whispered the last part, but I was close enough to hear.

If I had been on the verge of sleep a moment ago that feeling was a distant memory. My skin was now flushed, and I felt my chest tighten. A nearly depleted magika reserve could easily send a kingdom into disarray, and a disabled kingdom on this continental landscape was...unthinkable. Our neighboring kingdom's would invade us in a minute.

I looked to my father whose face had paled in what appeared to be anger. As incumbent Queen Mage, I knew it was my duty to speak up.

"First Advisor, Father – nearly depleted? With all due respect, that's a serious statement, First Advisor Kinnia. During the last full moon brief this was not a concern?" I said trying to keep my voice calm and level as he and my mentors had taught me.

"You're right, daughter. This was not a concern last full moon, and it certainly isn't my main priority now," my father's voice boomed across the small room and as the echo died, I heard the hushed, anxious whispers of the other five advisors in the room.

"Surely you're not serious!" First Advisor Kinnia was nearly screeching, and it was making my pulse quicken.

"I will not have this. As we have discussed privately this is not a concern. I will be wrapping this meeting immediately, you may all go," said my father. He kept his ever even tone of voice that still managed to shake everyone to their core. He never raised his voice. Not to say that he wasn't ever stern or didn't get angry, but he was taught from a young age that a leader was to never raise their voice because it was a desperate grab for attention and that emotional outbursts were for petty school children and unstable young men. 

As I stood to walk around the half-moon arrangement of chairs to the door, I heard my father call my name.


"Yes, father?"

"Join me in the study. Bring Callista."

Yes, father."

I walked swiftly to my chambers where Lista was resting on the foot of my bed. And by resting, I mean that she had thrown herself over the end of my bed and used the skirt of her dress as a blanket. Lista was my handmaiden, but also my appointed advisor. As princess, I was expected to choose someone to help consult with me in my rise to power, she had been an obvious choice since we were basically sisters. 

Her ancestors had been associated with the crown for centuries, and her mother had been my mother's First Advisor. They had given birth to us within the same year. She would start joining me in the advisors' meetings when I took the throne, but for now she waited for debriefs in my chambers. Clearly, she'd also been bored during the monthly advisor meeting. I was desperate to tell her what had happened, so I grabbed her wrist and shook her awake.

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