What the captured zodiac signs were doing in their cells.

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This chapter is about the captured zodiac signs and Orion's "adventures". I hope you like it 💜

Orion's Pov (a week later)
"Ophiuchus, let me go right now or else-" "Or else what?" Dang, he got me. There's nothing to do in the cells. Each cell has a blanket, a pillow and a bucket. "I'm going out to catch the zodiac signs~!" Wow. He didn't have to say that to me before going out.

(a few hours later, still Orion's Pov)

"Let me go you b****!" "Not going to happen sweetie." "DON'T CALL ME SWEETIE!" Gemini elbowed Ophiuchus (in the guts) hard, but he didn't react at all. He tossed Gemini into a cell and walked away. "That b****." "We'll teach him a lesson whrn we get out Gemini. It's best to save our energy for now." "Whatever. You're the one who got captured-" "First? If you guys didn't fight, then I wouldn't be here in the first place!" "For your information, Capricorn and Virgo were the only ones who fought." "I was worried about you guys, so I visited the mansion and you guys made me knock for 2 hours." "Not my fault we don't have super hearing." "Wait. Did you guys get your powers?" "We all did.Hydra helped us train." "Good. Let's hope the others are safe."

(tomorrow morning)

Gemini's Pov
"Stop-moving-around-you-little-pest-AHHHH! HE BIT MY ARM!" I looked at Ophiuchus (everyone except Orion and Hydra knew his name) and he was dragging Aries to a cell. Aries? He got caught? "Gemini! Are you okay?" "I'm okay-ARIES LOOK OUT!" Ophiuchus was about to inject Aries with something and Aries punched Ophiuchus. "No one can hurt me!" As soon as he said that, Ophiuchus threw a bucket of cold water on Aries's face. "Hey! Why are you capturing us?" "I won't tell you." "That's not fair!" "......Why did I decide to do this? I should have just intruded their mansion and challenge them a fight....." "You mean a war." "Same thing." "You're like a nice villain." "Is that a compliment?" "I don't know." "Are you dumb?" "Don't. Call. My. Boyfriend. Dumb." "Aww....don't worry Gemmy! I can protect myself!" "When can I get out of here?" "When I capture all the zodiac signs." "Really?" "Maybe."

(a week later)

Aries's Pov
"You guys have company~!" Ophiuchus tossed Pisces and Sagittarius in a cell. (separate cell) "What happened to you guys?" "We got choked by him, lost some sleep, Pisces almost sprained her ankle, this guy almost captured Scorpio, and there's only 8 zodiacs left." "Scorpio escaped?" "She punched me and stabbed me in the leg. Then he (Sagittarius) yelled at her to go without them and Scorpio kept saying no. I tried to grab her and she twisted my arm. Is she a f***ing ninja or something?" "We don't know." "What do you know about her?" "Her name is Scorpio." "And?" "She's a girl." "And?" "She's mysterious and no one knows her past. Except her boyfriend." "That's all?" "She can be insane and sane." "What the-are you guys friends with her?" "I'm her best friend." "That makes sense. What do you know about her?" "Why do you want to know?" "She looks cute." "She has a boyfriend and if she heard that, she's going to kill you." "I was kidding." "Or not." "I quit." "Quit what?" "Nevermind."

(3 day later)

Sagittarius's Pov
"Welcome to the-" "Aqua!" "Cancer!" "I missed you!" "Me too!" "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP?" "NO!" Everyone began to annoy Aquarius and let's say we won't be bored for a while......

(2 days later)

Aquarius's Pov
The other zodiac signs have been annoying me and Sagittarius was making terrible jokes about to me. Everyone laughs expect for me and Orion. "Ophiuchus, I need to use the bathroom." "You'll have to hold it." "F*** you." "Aww, does little Aqua need to-" "I didn't have to go, I was just looking for an excuse to escape everyone." "Bad Aqua. We were so bored until you came!" "And?" "I have a surprise for you." Ophiuchus dragged someone towards us. "Leo!" "So that's your name! Not fabulous!" "My name is Leo, not "not fabulous"." "Yay! Now we have someone else to annoy/bother!" "Welcome to hell bro. I have been a victim for a long time."

(a week later)

Leo's Pov
"Hello everybody! I caught another one!" He pushed Hydra towards an empty cell. "You caught Hydra?" "Yes I did." "Okay." "I thought you would say something stupid." "Okay." "Are you okay?" "Okay." "You are a b****." *Leo holds a mirror* "You fell for it!" "Where did you get a mirror?" "I always have a mirror with me."

The rest is in Chapter 8, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! (this is a 200 reads special 🎉🎉)
Chapter 9 will be updated today or tomorrow 💜💜

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