Chapter 17 Make me regret my decision

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-last story-
Gemini and Aries breaks up. Scorpio helps Gemini, but what happened to Aries?

Before you read this chapter.....

1. Julia is Jupiter. She lives in the human world just like the zodiac signs.

2. Vena is Venus. He lives in the human world just like the zodiac signs.

Warning- swearing, betrayal/revenge, violence, a drunk constellation....

Aries's POV


Better watch your back Gemini.

I'll make you regret your own decision.

Just wait.

I wanted to kill Gemini for what she did, but a little revenge doesn't hurt anyone....right? I will make Gemini regret her own decision. Forever. First of all, I need to get a new girlfriend. Not someone in our friend group, but someone who is close to me. I already know the person who can help me.


"Hey Julia, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, how about you?"

"Actually....can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend? Don't you have one?"

"We broke up. I want to make her regret her own decision."

"I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose....she had reason, didn't she?"

"She said that she thinks that we never make time for each other on purpose."

"Really? Why didn't you guys make time for each other?"

"We were really busy....."

"Busy doing what?"

"Meeting our other friends, planning a party, going on vacation...."

"If you're planning a party, why didn't you invite Gemini to the party? Plus, the only other friend you have is me and Vena."

"I have other friends...."

"Oh really? Who?"

"Hydra, Orion, Pegasus and Draco."

"They're your friends?"

"Yeah. So, will you help me or not?"

"Fine. I'll help you just this once."

"Thank you. Can we meet tomorrow?"

"Sure. Where and when?"

"Hanna's at 7 o'clock."

"Okay. See you tomorrow."

Julia helped me out a lot of times. She's one of my best friend. We met each other at school. I miss spending time with her. We fought Ophiuchus for a long time. Longer than we expected. I always thought we would win the battle easily. We were lucky that Pegasus and Draco gave up working for Ophiuchus. Really lucky. We always had each others back. I miss the moments when we were truly happy. When we didn't have anything to worry about. Now that is good memories. I suppose Gemini and I didn't really act like couples. We never had time for each other, we didn't kiss or hug often and we didn't cuddle with each other often. Still, I wanted to get revenge.

Pisces's POV


The wine bottle in my hand shattered as I lost my grip. I swayed slightly, not caring if someone saw me like this. What do they know about what happened? I'm so focking tired of fighting. I want to live a normal life. WHY CAN'T I JUST BE A FUCKING HUMAN? WHY AM I A CONSTELLATION? I hate my focking life, Ophiuchus, Cetus and Lupus.

Kill yourself

I want to. I want to kill myself, but is it worth it? Losing my friends? I should be there when they need me the most, but here I am, swaying slightly on the streets. I went towards a public restroom and saw myself in the mirror. The girl I saw The girl had dark bags under her eye and bloodshot eyes. Her hair was a mess and looked really pale. That girl was me. Tears ran down my face. Before all of this happened, I was so happy. I had so many hopes for the future and I loved hanging out with our friend group. Someone always made us laugh and there was always someone to hang out with. On rainy days, we would just run around the mansion and Capricorn will always scold us. We would make things out of cardboard and bake muffins and cookies. Life was great back then. Ophiuchus messed up our lives. Why did he want to get revenge on us? We didn't kick him out from the zodiac group. I HATE OPHIUCHUS SO MUCH! I WANT TO KILL HIM!

Kill Ophiuchus

How? I don't even know where he is right now.

That's what you think. He might be closer to you guys than you think. He might be waiting for you at the mansion. Who knows, he might be following you around.

He wouldn't do that, right? On second thought....he could be following me. He wouldn't follow me into the girls bathroom, right? Of course not! Yes, Ophiuchus is a horrible person. Yes, he ruined our life, but he wouldn't come in the girls bathroom. I quickly washed my hand and brushed my hair with my hands. I went towards the mansion, hoping that no one noticed me sneaking out. Luckily the back door was opened and I went to my room. I took a shower and put on a mint colored hoodie. It was summer, but I was a bit cold. I usually get cold easily, which explains why I'm wearing a hoodie in the summer.

You're weird and you know that your friends thinks that you're weird.

I'm not weird....right? I mean, I'm a constellation and I have powers. That's weird for humans.

You have other friends?'re right. I only have the zodiacs....

Of course I'm right. You're nothing without me.

Shut up! You're just a stupid voice inside my head! You're not even human!

Are you a human?

Shot. He-she-they got me there.

I'm a girl.

Well I didn't know that before.

Stupid girl.

You are literally a voice talking in my head. Who are you calling stupid?

Whatever. I'm tired of talking to you.

Do you have limited energy or are you just angry at me?

You'll find out....eventually.

What does that mean?




I should have stopped her. Whatever. She was annoying me. I was about to take a nap anyways. I quickly drifted(?) into sleep. That was the start of the nightmares.

to be continued......

-Thank you guys for waiting so long for the next update!

-For people who stayed with me from the start, double thank you and you get......

the writer's love ♡

-For people who stayed with me until I suddenly didn't update as much as I did in the past, it's okay!

-For people who are waiting for the next update.....I warn you, don't get too excited.

Thank you guys for 900+ reads!

Have a nice day/night!

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