Twenty One

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"Hi," I greet my dad as I get into the passenger seat of his Buick.

"Hey, kid." He sets his phone down, putting his hands onto the wheel. "How was school today?"

"It was good. Has Mom flown in yet?" It's Friday, which means that today is the dreaded day. Stress grapples my shoulders, though I try not to let it get to me.

Dad cleaned the house for me when I finally built up the nerve to tell him about her approaching arrival, which is a great relief, but I can't help the impending doom that is nestled in my hollow chest.

He shakes his head. "No, not–"

"Mom's coming today?" Lucas asks from the backseat.

I turn around, my eyebrows raising when I see Ezra sitting beside him. "Oh, hi."

Ezra grins. "Hey."

"Yes," I redirect my attention back to Lucas. "So that means Ezra can't come over for a little bit. Not until everyone is settled in." I probably sound controlling, but the less people at the house when Mom is in town, the better.

"That's not your decision to make," my brother retorts.

We have this argument all the time. When I try to reduce stress in any way that affects him, he goes mad.

"I don't mind," Ezra says to him, innocence shining bright in his eyes. "I can survive at my house for a little bit."

I blow out a breath of relief, but of course, Lucas has to ruin it. "No. Indi doesn't get to dictate whether or not you come."

The car starts moving as Dad gets onto the road.

"I'm not trying to dictate anything," I try to keep my tone calm, but that's next to impossible.

"Yes you are," Lucas snaps back. "You always do this. Just because Mom and Dad fighting messed you up in the head, doesn't mean you have to project that onto me."

Ezra's eyes widen before he turns his attention to his phone.

My lips remain slightly open and Dad opens his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it. "I'm just saying that it would be easier," my voice is shaky as I speak. Just because Mom and Dad fighting messed you up in the head– "We don't need a repeat of last year."

It was my birthday. I had Lihn over and Lucas had a friend from the baseball team at the house as well. Mom showed up without warning, causing multiple arguments to erupt. Between me and her, her and dad, me and Lucas, Lihn and Lucas...Pretty much every which way, there was a quarrel. Dad didn't kick her out until she grabbed a bottle of wine and slammed it onto the ground.

"That's not going to happen again," Lucas says, a new defensive tone in his voice. "She just gets mad easily. It's honestly your fault for provoking her."

I haven't cried in months and I'm not necessarily a sensitive person, yet I have to turn back around because of the way his words cause my eyes to sting with fresh tears. Even if I said something mildly frustrating to Mom, it doesn't justify her screaming or getting violent. Nothing she's done to me or anyone else in the family is justifiable.

"Stop fighting," Dad intervenes, sounding tired.

"Tell Indi she doesn't have a say over other people, first."

"For your information, I don't have to tell her anything." And then he looks at me. "But he is right. Ezra is mature enough to handle whatever he sees, and trustworthy enough to not say anything about it."

"Fine." I go with one word, even though it's not exactly pleasant that he's taking Lucas's side. My chest tightens and I have to look out the window to stop myself from crying.

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