Forty Three

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Ezra is sprawled out on my bed, taking a nap with Honey curled up against his side.

We don't even have to be doing anything together, just being in the same vicinity as him is enough for my heart.

Ezra is still the peaceful sleeper that he was during that labor day vacation—which was almost two months ago now. I wonder how past-me would react if she found out where Ezra and I are now.

I doubt I'd be very surprised.

Falling In Love by Cigarettes After Sex plays from our shared playlist as I sit at my desk, my artist's block now completely gone. I've been drawing in all my free time now. It feels like I'm me again.

The only knick in my life is Lucas, who won't talk to me. I haven't even heard him punch a wall. It's so weird.

If I had to guess why he's not blowing up, I'd say it's his new girlfriend, who's house Lucas is currently at. Charlotte has hung out here a few times. He's so obedient when it comes to her. Literally everything she asks of him, he does without question. It never fails to shock me.

There's a knock at the door and I silently curse, hoping the person doesn't wake up Ezra. I swivel around in my chair as my dad walks in.

"Hey— oh?" His eyes go down to Ezra before coming right back to mine. "I told you to leave this door open when he's here."

I let out a sigh. "He's sleeping, Dad. And I have a twin-sized bed. Nothing's gonna happen."

"That won't sway a teenage guy," he replies, pursing his lips.

I cover my face with my hands. "Ew!" I quietly exclaim. "Ew, ew, ew." It's not the idea of sex that grosses me out, it's my dad talking to me about that stuff.

"This door stays open when your boyfriend is here. Capeesh?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I mutter, dragging my hands down my face.

"Okay," he accepts. "I'm going over to see my friend Carrie." Right...friend. "I need you to run to the grocery store and pick up a few things for me, can you do that?"

I nod. "Sure, just send me a list."

Ezra starts stirring and I blow out a breath of frustration. This could've been a conversation we had over text, but nope. Now my boyfriend's sleep has been disturbed.

"Okay, love you, kid," Dad says to me.

"Love you too." With that, he leaves the room and I look over at Ezra, who's watching me with a bright look in his sleepy eyes.

A grin tugs at his lips.

"What?" I ask, my face turning hot.

He reaches out, pulling my chair closer to the bed. "Nothing, nothing," he mumbles sleepily. "I just..." He grabs one of my hands, lifting it to his lips to kiss my knuckles. "You're beautiful."

I smile against my will. "Enough."

"I'm right," he says, his voice deep and gravelly as he holds my hand to his cheeks. "I'm whipped by your eyes."

I let out a soft laugh. "That didn't come off in the way I think you meant it."

He slowly blinks, still looking tired from his nap. "You know what I meant."

I run the back of my fingers across his jaw, my heart skipping when he leans into the touch.

He closes his eyes, his breathing slowing down.

Ugh, he's so cute.

I lean forward, brushing his hair back to press a kiss to his forehead.

When I pull back, his eyes are open again.

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