Hollow Voices

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Team E-Scope and the ex-Amazon duo were all relaxing in the empty auditorium, deciding they wanted to just escape the noise and hectic nature of the resort. It was pretty obvious the finale was fast approaching, so staff were running about trying to get everything ready. Gwen said how Bridgette told her how she and Geoff had been roped up in a lot of stuff with advertising and hosting.

The surfer girl even said that the final Aftermath would be on the beach this time around, and everyone was expected to be there.

When staff relayed that over the PA later, it was clear why they were doing it like this: To avoid another 'Izzy-nado', which Owen and Courtney have caught staff calling the last Aftermath disaster. It stung, and made them all angry seeing how the staff were way too casual about it. But honestly, it wasn't surprising.

"How much longer do you guys think the show will be?" Owen asked as he munched on some snacks.

Courtney, who was looking through her PDA, shrugged. "Hard to say. For all we know, something like last season could happen where there's a tie and we're stuck here for a whole extra day."

"If that happens, I'm drowning Chris", Gwen said with a groan.

"I'll help you", Eva said with a smirk. "It'd save us the headache of another potential season."

"Not likely", Noah said flatly. "I read our contracts before this season, and Chris only has us for this last one. Although I did hear him say he would like to explore more groups of, as he put it, 'desperate teens'."

"I fear for what he does with anyone else who joins this show after us", Courtney said with a cringe. "He keeps getting more and more deranged, so I wouldn't be surprised if he just locks them in a cave and expects them to survive for a week."

"Be careful what you say, Court", Gwen said with a smirk. "If you aren't careful, Chris could find this in security footage and get ideas."

Owen frowned, looking over all his friends. "C'mon guys. Chris wouldn't go that far... Right? He still cares enough that he knows not to kill us. Remember the first season?"

"Yeah, but that was the first season, Owen", Eva said gruffly. "Just in this season, Chris willingly pushed us out of a plane multiple times, left us to tackle frozen snowlands, nearly let us get buried in an avalanche and had all sorts of rabid animals attack us. Chris must've realised we were desperate enough for fame and money that he could do whatever."

"She's right, Lunchbox", Noah added. "Hate to say it, but Chris just sees us as walking ratings magnets at this point. At least until we're dumped for the next group of desperate teens."

Owen looked down sadly. "Yeah, I know you guys are right… I just hope the same host that freaked out during the Slasher Movie challenge back at the camp is in there."

"I wouldn't be surprised if all of that just moved over to Chef", Gwen said offhandedly. "He does seem more… reigned in. At least when Chris isn't around."

"He still hates our guts", Courtney spat bitterly. "So I'm not gonna poke that bear to find out how true that is."

The others all nodded, and things fell into a comfortable silence after that point. Owen finished up his platter of snacks, and made a move to go and get more, but when he looked at the door into the audience seating, he froze. An unknown number of staff members ducked away, the door closing as they left.

The others had all noticed, and watched the door in silent confusion and suspicion.

"What was that about?" Eva asked in a low tone, giving the door a scowl.

"I don't know…" Courtney said quietly as she moved to stand up. "How long were they there for, though?"

"I don't know, but I have an idea why…" Noah said with a growl. The others all faced him as he stood up and straightened out his shirt. "They know we've been into Izzy's room, so they're hoping to use us as a scapegoat or a 'key' to get inside."

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