Day 1937 (Part 3)

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Day 1937, 7:23 pm

The red Santro came to a stop near the apartment as Haseena parked her car and started upstairs carrying a couple of bags. The driver took out his mobile and updated his boss as the Inspector went out of site, leaning back he made himself comfortable and waited.

Karishma and Cheeta looked up as she walked through the door, she placed the bags on the coffee table and went inside the kitchen. Karishma's eyes shot up when she saw the beer bottles Haseena brought,

"Those are for the cover? But you can have one if you want" Haseena spoke as she entered the room, placing the plates on the table, she walked to the TV, opened the cupboard below it and took out a foldable stool. Placing opposite to them she started serving the pizza she bought

"I don't know what you like. Took the chances on classic cheese" she handed Karishma a plate. Karishma thought of declining but the aroma aroused the hidden hunger inside her. Thanking Haseena she took a bite, her first meal after yesterday's breakfast, she skipped the meal in the afternoon by being too involved in the tests and after the blast, she woke up to the knocking on the door. They ate in silence.

"Doctor how are you feeling?" asked Haseena.

Karishma who was sitting opposite her looked bewildered, "I'm fine, thank you Inspector" she responded

"Doctor, Do you remember anything suspicious happening in the past few days?" Thinking for a while she responded

"Nothing, nothing I can point out" she sighed and continued "However inspector, after hearing what you said at my apartment. I do feel, this can be staged because as you already know we are doing important experiments in the lab, so I asked my Lab Technician to check the transformer last year. Overloading in general will take years to destroy a transformer. According to him, the transformer is perfectly fine. Our step-down transformer sends more voltage than the transformers you see in the city for maintaining the lab, generally in cases of an increase in load the transformer bursts and the power supply to the output source is stopped, however in here the transformer sent the power directly to the lab before bursting to lead to that accident, maybe the insulation has tampered. Inspector, if I don't about the transformer condition, I'll completely believe this is an accident. If you suspect a foul play then according to what I said, there are chances of this accident being staged"

"Now we have another reason to suspect a foul play. Doctor, do you have any problems in your personal or professional life?" Haseena observed her keenly

"None Inspector"

"Doctor, what kind of experiments are done in the lab?"

"Sorry Inspector, they are classified. However, I assure you we are not doing anything illegal"

"Hmm, I'll take our word" Turning to Cheeta she spoke "Cheeta it's getting late, empty these bottles here and drop them in the dumpster near the apartment, and check whether the car is here"

9:47 pm

Cheeta walked to the dumpster and dropped the bottles, stretching himself he stared at the sea for a while and scanning the surroundings he walked to his bike and rode off. The driver in the Santro again made a call and updated the situation.

Haseena led Karishma into her room,

"You can have the bed and this is the washroom" She pointed to the door and left the room, Karishma eyed the room, the mattress was the only thing in the room. A towel was lying on the mattress when she walked out from the washroom, Haseena stood on the balcony looking at the sea

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