Day 1937 (Part 1)

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Day 1937, 8:00 am

The morning sun filled the empty room, a beaten-up mattress lying on the floor opposite the balcony. The Inspector lay awake on her makeshift bed watching at the balcony, the rusty balustrade blocking the road, leaving the sea to delight the eye. The buzzing phone pulled her out of the sea trance


"Madam sir, I'm constable Cheeta Chaturvedi speaking, the DSP office called for you. They said you have a meeting with the DSP in an hour" he said

"With me! What do they want from me now? I already paid my fines, didn't I?" she said sarcastically

"Yes, Madam sir, you did. And madam sir this time please be on time, I heard it's about a case"

"This is new. Hmm... Okay, I'll meet you after the meeting at the station"

"Okay Madam sir"

"And Cheeta arrange a coffee, I will be needing it" Laughing she got up to get fresh

9:00 am

Parking her gold i20, Haseena walked to the reception. A young lady pointed to a chair and asked her to wait 10 minutes. She opened a newspaper and sat till the call came.

"Jai Hind Sir," she said doing a traditional salute

"Jai Hind, have a seat Ms Mallik" Smiling warmly DSP pointed towards a seat

"Sir, why do you need a meeting with a corrupt officer?"

"We both know, it's not true"

"But still the entire department blamed me," Haseena snorted

"This case is a great opportunity to change the view of the public Ms. Mallik, but be careful, I received a hunch that your name is specially recommended for this. When our name is suggested"

"There is another foreplay going behind our back" Haseena completed the line

"Not only from the department but the outer sources too"

"Hmm... okay. What is the case about?"

"Here is the file. A missing case. A female, named- Dr Karishma Singh, age-32 years, height- 5'3, weight-58kgs, complexion- almond white, eye colour- black, hair- black. You have to leave for the location, a fire accident"

"Okay, thank you, sir" saluting she left for the Location

She noticed the receptionist eyeing him. Winking at her she mouthed a goodbye, the shy receptionist turned towards her friend blushing wide-eyed.

Getting into the car she called Cheeta. Around quarter to 10, she picked Cheeta and her coffee and drove to the lab.

10:20 am

Haseena parked her car beside a white Benz. Two men dressed in suits got down as Haseena and Cheeta approached. The white-haired, heavy-looking man in a blue suit walked towards them as the thin man in his late fifties followed him.

"Inspector Haseena Mallik. I am Nageshwaran Nair the CEO of the TECH WARE Company and this is our company's legal advisor MR. Krishna Kumar"

"Hello sir, a pleasure to meet you. This is head constable Cheeta Chaturvedi" Shaking his hands, she pointed towards the constable, nodding to Cheeta Mr. Nair continued,

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