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Day 1939, 4:40 am

Karishma slightly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings she inhaled deeply. Haseena woke as she stirred in pain,

"How are you feeling?"

"It's paining" she murmured, Haseena went to the door and called the duty nurse. When the nurse went out to give her painkillers, Karishma spoke

"My parents?"

"They were informed. Will be here in 2 hours" Karishma smiled as Haseena continued, "Grabbing the pistol is stupid"

"I know! I panicked" Karishma laughed

"I'm sorry to put you through this. We have no evidence, I took the risk. I should have told you but I was afraid you would give us away and get yourself into trouble and still you got yourself shot"

"I was devastated when I saw the true nature of Mr Nair, I saw him as a mentor" Karishma sighed

"I'm sorry" Haseena took her hand into his and started caressing it

"It's fine. However, I saved you" She laughed and continued "Hey! Wait, when did you talk to them?"

"Before coming to you in the afternoon, when I figured out their involvement. I went to the car which was following me and talked to Mr Singh and offered him a deal"

"Huh... what did you do with the money?"

"I have it, will be handing it over to the government tomorrow"

"Hmm... great. Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Haseena said frowning

"Why didn't you try to prove your innocence during the investigation? When you didn't do anything wrong, why did you stand there guilty? You should have done something" She stared into Haseena's eyes as she sighed closing her eyes

"Cheeta?" she asked, Karishma nodded in agreement, she continued

"To put it simply, I didn't have proof of my innocence. All the things I did to get their confidence and information are illegal, I took the risk, but it didn't work out. I have no one to blame for my mistakes. Although the commissioner knows, he couldn't help me and I know my shreds of evidence are not good enough. However, it did well. Mr Nair using his contacts put me on this case and when I talked to them about you, they didn't take much time trusting me due to my popularity in corruption." They both sat in silence for a few minutes.

"What will happen to Mr Nair and Mr Singh?"

"They are in custody. You are safe Karishma; no one can harm you" Haseena assured

"Do you think we can go on those trips you used to go?" Karishma said trying to talk before the medicine kicked in,

"I don't think it's a good idea" Haseena frowned, Karishma stared at her, smile leaving her lips. Haseena continued

"However a date will be good. You need to fully recover before taking one of those" she kissed Karishma's hands

"A date will do" Karishma smiled.

Haseena kissed her forehead as she fell back into sleep.

9:57 am

Karishma slowly opened her eyes, her parents came into view, she smiled weekly at them,

Charade - KarEenaWhere stories live. Discover now