The Speech

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   Thus, he walked into the room with confidence He never worried about what he would say when it came to speaking to others; instead, he simply indicated what he wanted to say in his mind, and the words would come to him naturally. He stood behind the microphone, studying every face he knew very well, and then said:

As everyone is aware, we all had a difficult and sad year. Despite failing, we went on to become the most-known brand in this city and among the most successful companies in the entire country. I'm honored by all of you. nevertheless, We should work really hard to keep it going, and I promise I'm here to help in any way I can.

Today holds great meaning for me because it is the day four years ago that I created my business with a friend, he is right there. Thank you very much, body. And I want to thank every one of you. Lastly, I would like to let the manager, know of the latest modification we will be making.

He took a seat and paid attention to the company management as all the others. Like everyone else, he forgot about what he was missing and slipped into his daily routine. However, the night will reveal to him that despite having all he could possibly want, he still lives in a harsh and dry desert and needs something that only his imagination can provide.

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